[agents] Games and Agent-Based Modelling - Investigating synergies @ SSW 2020

Melania Borit melania.borit at uit.no
Mon Aug 24 06:40:23 EDT 2020

***Apologies for cross-posting.***

Dear colleagues,

The SIG for Social Simulation and Games invites you to participate in the workshop Games and Agent-Based Modelling - Investigating synergies at the Social Simulation Week on Thursday, September 17th 2020 from 2 pm to 4 pm (CEST).

During the workshop, three speakers (Christophe LePage, Liu Yang, and Timo Szczepanska) will present a review of established practices and new developments, provide detailed insights from two hands-on methods for integrating games and ABM.
All workshop participants can engage with the speakers and have the opportunity to articulate their remarks in an interactive session.

·        If you are interested in participating, please register by September 10th using this link: https://forms.gle/hkHMwEWNAvq7M9Yw5.

·        You can find information on the program below or http://ssc2020.behavelab.org/programme/
Best Regards
Timo Szczepanska, Melania Borit, and Harko Verhagen


Workshop: Games and Agent-Based Modelling- Investigating Synergies
- Chairs: Timo Szczepanska and Melania Borit (UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Norway) & Harko Verhagen (Stockholm University, Sweden)

Topic: Games can aid the development and refinement of agent-based models (ABM) by providing interactive and engaging environments in which social dynamics, perceptions, and behaviours of the players can unfold and be studied. This could then replace or complement lab experiments as well as empirical observations. There are, however, also caveats for the transfer of observations form gameplay to agent-based models since much like agent-based models are an abstraction of reality, so are games. Fine-tuning games to serve as reliable input for ABM development may itself give insights for the fine-tuning of ABM in general and vice versa. Examples of the use of games for ABM development do exist, but the potential is yet to be fully realized.
During the workshop, we present a review of established practices and new developments in the field and provide detailed insights from two hands-on methods to integrating games and ABM. All workshop participants are encouraged to engage with the speakers and have the opportunity to articulate their remarks in an interactive session.


1.      Liu Yang (Southeast University, China) will talk about integrating agent-based modelling and serious gaming for planning transport infrastructure and public spaces - 20 min presentation + 10 min discussion.

2.      Timo Szczepanska (UiT - The Arctic University of Norway, Norway) will bring up recent findings of a systematic literature review on established practices and new developments in the field for discussion -  15 min presentation + 15 min discussion.

3.      Harko Verhagen (University of Stockholm, Sweden) and Melania Borit (UiT - The Arctic University of Norway, Norway) will initiate an interactive session to explore why we want to mix games and ABM, why we don't do it, and how we can advance investigating the potential synergies of games and ABM.

4.      Christophe LePage (The French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD), France) will grant insights to his experiences with applying games in companion modelling - 20 min presentation + 10 min discussion.
Reading material relevant to the session will be circulated in advance. Thus, besides registering for the Social Simulation Week 2020, please register for your participation in this workshop by September 10th using this link: https://forms.gle/hkHMwEWNAvq7M9Yw5.

Timo Szczepanska

Norwegian College of Fishery Science,
Faculty of Biosciences, Fisheries and Economics,
UiT The Arctic University of Norway (University of Tromsø),
Tromsø, Norway.

E-mail: timo.szczepanska at uit.no<mailto:timo.szczepanska at uit.no>


Melania Borit, Ph.D.

Associate professor,
BRIDGE<https://en.uit.no/forskning/forskningsgrupper/gruppe?p_document_id=392796> research group leader,

Norwegian College of Fishery Science,
Faculty of Biosciences, Fisheries and Economics,
UiT The Arctic University of Norway (University of Tromsø),
Tromsø, Norway.

E-mail: melania.borit at uit.no<mailto:melania.borit at uit.no>
Web: uit.no/melania.borit<http://uit.no/ansatte/organisasjon/ansatte/person?p_document_id=139029&p_dimension_id=88166>

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