[agents] CFP: Special Issue on Massively Multi-Agent Systems

Nadeem Jamali jamali at cs.usask.ca
Tue Oct 6 18:13:47 EDT 2009


"Special Issue on Massively Multi-Agent Systems (MMAS)"

New information systems and recent applications (ubiquitous computing,  
networking, transport, etc.) are often distributed, large scale, open,  
heterogeneous and characterized by a dynamic environment. Millions of  
software entities or electronic devices with computing facilities are  
connected to each other, and are required to behave coherently, often  
in pursuit of extremely complex and distributed goals in dynamic  
environments. Challenges in modeling, implementing, deploying and  
controlling these systems are significant.

Massively multi-agent systems provide a suitable design paradigm and  
an implementation method for such systems.  The infrastructure of  
massively multi-agent systems include technologies such as grid  
computing together with semantic annotation that can be combined with  
agent technologies. A new system design approach -- society-centered  
design -- may be realized by embedding participatory technologies in  
human society. Applications include large-scale navigation, scientific  
or social simulations, e-science, e-homes, e-offices and e-cities.

This special issue will highlight leading research efforts in  
coordination and control in MMAS, and applications of MMAS.  Specific  
areas of Interest include but are not limited to:

- Massively Multi-Agent Infrastructures
- Massively Multi-Sensor Systems
- Self-Organization Technologies for Massively Multi-Sensor Systems
- Design and Analysis of Massively Multi-Agent Systems
- Large-scale Participatory Technologies
- Massively Multi-Agent Coordination and Control
- Integrating Massively Multi-agent Systems and Social Worlds
- Applications of Massively Multi-Agent Systems
- Massively Multi-Agent Simulation
- Mega-Scale Navigation
- General Issues in Massively Multi-Agent Systems

Important Dates

Submission Deadline: November 15, 2009
Acceptance Notice: February 28, 2010
Final Manuscript Due: March 31, 2010
Publication Date: To be confirmed.

Submission Guidelines

Submissions should be high quality, previously unpublished original  
papers, not currently under review for another journal or conference.   
Papers should be formatted according to the manuscript preparation  
instructions of the Computer Journal.

Additionally, to be considered for the special issue, authors must  
include a cover letter clearly indicating that the submission is for  
the special issue on "Massively Multi-Agent Systems."

There are two steps involved in submitting a paper:

(1) Submit through the journal's manuscript central web-based paper  
handling system.

(2) Submit a PDF version of the complete manuscript by email to jamali at agents.usask.ca 

All papers will be peer reviewed based on originality, scientific  
quality, and relevance to the special issue and the journal.

Guest Editors:

Nadeem Jamali (Corresponding Editor)
Department of Computer Science, University of Saskatchewan
176 Thorvaldson Bldg, 110 Science Place
Saskatoon, SK, S7N 5C9, Canada
Phone: +1-306-966-2579
e-mail: jamali at cs.usask.ca

Zahia Guessoum
LIP6, University of Paris 6
104 avenue du Président Kennedy, 75016 Paris
e-mail: zahia.guessoum at lip6.Fr

Toshiharu Sugawara
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Waseda University
3-4-1 Okubo, Shinjuku, Tokyo 169-8555, Japan
e-mail: sugawara at waseda.jp

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