[agents] Formal Methods for Aerospace workshop: Call for Participation

Manuela Bujorianu Manuela.Bujorianu at manchester.ac.uk
Thu Oct 8 04:34:34 EDT 2009

[Apologizes for possible cross-postings]

                        CALL FOR PARTICIPATION
               Workshop on FORMAL METHODS IN AEROSPACE (FMA)
                    [A satellite workshop of FM2009]

              Eindhoven, The Netherlands,  3rd November 2009


        NOTE: registration for this event is open now, but after
              October 19 late registration fees will apply

The main objective of this workshop is to explore interdisciplinary
methods for design, verification and co-ordination of aerospace
systems, by combining formal methods with techniques from control
engineering and artificial intelligence. The very demanding safety,
robustness and performance requirements of these systems require
unprecedented integration of heterogeneous techniques and models. The
aim of FMA is to bring together active researchers and practiners from all
the above areas to discuss and present their work. Relevant topics include,
but are not limited to (all with a focus on potential application in
aerospace): new modeling paradigms; hybrid systems; uncertainty modeling;
formal verification of safety and performance properties; combining formal
and analytical techniques in modeling and verification; heterogeneous system
models; probabilistic and stochastic modeling and verification methods; agent
technologies; multi-agent coordination; runtime monitoring; trajectory
specification languages.

Registration is via the FM2009 web site: http://www.win.tue.nl/fm2009

Manuela Bujorianu  (Manchester, UK)
Michael Fisher (Liverpool, UK)

Henk Blom  (National Aerospace Laboratory, NL)
Probabilistic Safety Verification of Future Air Traffic Management

Klaus Havelund (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA) and Howard Barringer   
(Manchester, UK)
Runtime Verification of Log Files - a Trojan horse for Formal Methods

Mike Hinchey (UCD & Lero, IE); Julien Forget (ONERA, France);
Piotr Kordy (Twente, NL);  Gopinadh Sirigineedi (Cranfield, UK);
Nick Lincoln (Southampton, UK); Mircea Lazar (Eindhoven, NL);
Stefano Tonetta (FBK Trento, IT); Thierry Gautier (INRIA Rennes, FR);
Alessandro D'Innocenzo (L'Aquila, IT); Louise Dennis (Liverpool, UK);
Pieter Collins (CWI, NL); Alessandro Abate (Delft, NL)

Manuela Bujorianu  (Manchester, UK)
Michael Fisher (Liverpool, UK)
Corina Pasareanu (CMU (SV), USA)
Alessandro Giua  (Cagliari, IT)

Howard Barringer  (Manchester, UK)
Marius Bozga  (Verimag, FR)
Ricky Butler  (NASA, USA)
Ernst-Erich Doberkat  (Dortmund, DE)
Alessandro Giua  (Cagliari, IT)
Jianghai Hu  (Purdue, USA)
Rom Langerak  (Twente, NL)
John Lygeros  (Zurich, CH)
Savi Maharaj  (Stirling, UK)
Tiziana Margaria  (Potsdam, DE)
Cesar Munoz  (NASA, USA)
Flemming Nielson  (DTU, DK)
Dusko Pavlovic  (Oxford, UK)
Cristina Seceleanu  (Malardalen, SE)
Roberto Segala  (Verona, IT)
Ferucio Tiplea  (Iasi, RO)
Antonios Tsourdos  (Cranfield, UK)
Mike Whalen  (Minnesota, USA)
Virginie Wiels  (ONERA, FR)


A preliminary workshop programme is available at:


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