[Csmatters] final numbers for PD

Dianne O'Grady-Cunniff mrsdianneoc at gmail.com
Fri Jul 13 22:59:32 EDT 2018

2 questions:

   1. Our parking form
   shows Natalie Able signed up for CSP and equity, but the response forms
   only show her signed up for equity, not CSP. Did she sign up verbally for
   2. Marilyn Fitzpatrick is signed up for the CSP session. She signed up
   back in the first week of April, and showed us confirmation that she had
   submitted the form, but she does not show up on our response form. Might
   there be others who signed up and accidentally got removed from our
   spreadsheet somehow?

These appear to be the final numbers for the College Park PD

   - 7 for AP CSP (or 8 if Natalie Able is doing CSP)
   - 17 for Java
   - 9 for equity (most are also signed up for Java or CSP)

In order to apply for the CPD credit (I sent them in on time but have not
heard a word back from MSDE about those applications btw, I will prompt on
Monday) I had to write up detailed agendas. They are here:

   - CSP
   - Java
   - I couldn't apply for credit for the equity class because the UT site
   wasn't available until too late to apply. They also don't know if it meets
   accessibility guidelines and we have to pay MSDE to evaluate it.

I can collaborate on any lesson planning Monday if anyone wants to work
together online. We meet to talk online that evening at 6:30.

Dianne O'Grady-Cunniff
Acting Director, Maryland Center for Computing Education
CS Matters in Maryland
VP Maryland Computer Science Teachers' Association
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