[agents] IJCAI-PRICAI2020 registration (updated)

Takayuki Ito ito.takayuki at nitech.ac.jp
Fri Dec 11 00:10:01 EST 2020

IJCAI-PRICAI2020 registration (updated)

IJCAI-PRICAI2020 Registration is now open! Please register now. 

*** Important for Students ***
There is not a separate student registration fee level this year -- all participants pay the same reduced rate for the virtual conference. Students are eligible to apply for a registration waiver as a student volunteer or a student scholarship -- please see the information at this link: https://ijcai-20.org/students/ 

If you are applying for a waiver, you will receive a registration code, and you should not register until you have received notification of the status of your application. The deadline is December 13, 2020 (11:59PM UTC-12, AoE) (extended)

IJCAI-PRICAI2020 Registration Details

The IJCAI Organization is pleased to announce that registration for IJCAI-PRICAI-20 is now open!

** EARLY REGISTRATION CUTOFF: December 24, 2020 (UTC-12, AoE) **
LATE REGISTRATION: December 25, 2020-January 5, 2020 (UTC-12, AoE)
ONSITE REGISTRATION: January 6-15, 2020 (noon, JST)

Please read the following information carefully along with the Conference Fees menu item in the registration system. Please have your credit card ready for payment!

General Information
- One author of each accepted paper must register and attend to present the paper. If more than one author attends, then each author must register separately
- Main conference registration fee includes free tutorials 
- Workshop and/or tutorials only registrations DO NOT include social events or any parts of the main conference program!

Register now: https://registration.ijcai.org

For technical or registration questions, please contact: registration at ijcai.org

There is not a separate student registration fee level this year -- all participants pay the same reduced rate for the virtual conference. Students are eligible to apply for a registration waiver as a student volunteer or a student scholarship -- please see the information at this link: https://ijcai-20.org/students/ 
If you are applying for a waiver, you will receive a registration code, and you should not register until you have received notification of the status of your application. The deadline is December 13, 2020 (11:59PM UTC-12, AoE) (extended)

- Main conference: Early USD150, Late USD300, On-site USD450
- Workshops only: Early USD80, Late USD100, On-site USD120
- Tutorials only: Early USD80, Late USD100, On-site USD120
- Workshops for main conference registrants: Early USD60, Late USD80, On-site USD100

Fee calculator: http://registration.ijcai.org/#info

Takayuki Ito, Ph.D.
Department of Social Informatics, 
Kyoto University
Yoshida-Honmachi, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan
TEL: +81-75-753-4821
FAX: +81-75-753-4820
E-mail: ito at i.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Web: http://www.itolab.me/~ito/

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