[agents] CfP - Special issue of Intelligenza Artificiale (ISSN 1724-8035, 2211-0097)

Stefania MONICA stefania.monica at unipr.it
Thu Sep 5 06:07:40 EDT 2019

Special Issue of

Intelligenza Artificiale<https://www.iospress.nl/journal/intelligenza-artificiale>

Call for Papers

Aims and scope

After the first successful nineteen editions, the twentieth edition of the Workshop "From Objects to Agents" (WOA) was held in Parma in June to serve as a forum for researchers and practitioners working on all aspects of agents and multi-agent systems.
Following the success of the twenty edition of the workshop, the special issue of Intelligenza Artificiale (ISSN 1724-8035, 2211-0097) is intended to contribute to the debate on the synergistic relationship between agents, multi-agent systems, and Artificial Intelligence.

Guest editors

- Stefania Monica, University of Parma
- Federico Bergenti, University of Parma

- Giuseppe Vizzari, University of Milano-Bicocca

- Matteo Baldoni, University of Torino


The special issue welcomes two types of contributions:

  *   Extended and revised versions of the papers presented at WOA 2019,
  *   Original surveys or viewpoint papers on relevant aspects of the research on agents and multi-agent systems.

Submitted contributions must comply with the highest quality standards required by the journal, and they must follow the submission instructions available at


The cover letter accompanying each contribution must mention the working title of the special issue (20th Workshop "From Objects to Agents"), and it must explicitly state the type of the contribution.

Please do not hesitate to contact guest editors for further details on the submission process.

Submission deadline: November 6th, 2019

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