[agents] Advanced Course on AI at Crete - final call for participation

Georgios Chalkiadakis gehalk at gmail.com
Sat May 4 14:46:35 EDT 2019

[apologies for cross postings]

Dear colleagues, dear students,

The EurAI’s (www.eurai.org) *17th Advanced Course on AI (ACAI) *
will take place at Chania (Crete, Greece) from July 1 to July 5 this coming
It will also constitute the *2019 Hellenic Artificial Intelligence Summer
School (HAISS)*.

Moreover, it is co-located with the Twenty Years of the Price of Anarchy
(20PoA) workshop <https://20poa.github.io/>, a celebratory meeting aiming
to chart out the impact of the *price of anarchy*
game-theoretic thinking.

Finally, this year ACAI will include a *special track on Cognitive Systems*,
organised by the Open University of Cyprus and the University of Cyprus,
and sponsored by the Artificial Intelligence Journal (AIJ
<https://www.journals.elsevier.com/artificial-intelligence>). This will
constitute part of the distance learning masters on Cognitive Systems
<http://www.cogsys.ouc.ac.cy/> offered by these universities it Cyprus.

*** The final ACAI-2019 tutors list and schedule is out! ***
The schedule also includes a posters' session, for participants to exhibit
their own work:



This year, ACAI offers a well-balanced tutorial curriculum,
which covers many important AI topics with application in multi-agent
worlds, such as AI Ethics, Machine Learning/Deep Learning, Logic, Robotics,
Game Theory, AI for Digital Games, and more.

website: http://acai2019.tuc.gr
facebook: www.facebook.com/acai2019

ACAI-2019 is co-organized by:

The European Association for Artificial Intelligence (EurAI) - www.eurai.org

The Greek AI Society (EETN) - www.eetn.gr
The Technical University of Crete (TUC) www.tuc.gr  / School of Electrical
and Computer Engineering - www.ece.tuc.gr
and is also sponsored by EURAMAS, the European Association for Multi-Agent

Please spread the word, and...

See you in Crete this coming July!
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