[agents] Research Fellow in AI and Deception - University of Melbourne (closing 14 Oct)

Liz Sonenberg l.sonenberg at unimelb.edu.au
Sun Sep 16 05:21:34 EDT 2018

We seek applications for a Research Fellow to join a project on the nature of deception between AI and humans. We are a team of computer scientists, psychologists, and magicians who are collaborating to explore this topic. Our methodology is to formalize the techniques of deception used by stage conjurors (see Kuhn, Olson & Raz, 2016<https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/2464/the-psychology-of-magic-and-the-magic-of-psychology>) such that they can be built into the thinking processes of software agents, and to test the deceptive powers of these agents when playing computer games against humans (see Smith, Dignum & Sonenberg, 2016<https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00748/full>). The project will shed light on what it means for computers to intentionally deceive people, and provide insights into the capabilities of software agents to deploy advanced 'theory-of-mind' reasoning in human-machine encounters.

The position is for 2 years, A$98,775 - A$117,290 (pro-rata for part-time) plus 9.5% superannuation, based in the School of Computing and Information Systems<https://cis.unimelb.edu.au/> at the University of Melbourne, Australia.

The ideal candidate will have a PhD in Computer Science with knowledge of Human-Computer Interaction theory and methods.  Read more at these links: about the project<https://cis.unimelb.edu.au/research/groups/interaction-design/projects/deceptive-ai/> and about the position<http://jobs.unimelb.edu.au/caw/en/job/897445/research-fellow-in-ai>.

For informal enquiries, contact  Liz Sonenberg l.sonenberg at unimelb.edu.au<mailto:l.sonenberg at unimelb.edu.au>

To apply follow the instructions in the position<http://jobs.unimelb.edu.au/caw/en/job/897445/research-fellow-in-ai> link.

Liz Sonenberg
Professor, School of Computing and Information Systems
The University of Melbourne
E: l.sonenberg at unimelb.edu.au<mailto:l.sonenberg at unimelb.edu.au>

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