[agents] Call for Tutorials - 2018 Summer Simulation Multi-Conference (SummerSim’18)

Marco Lützenberger marco.luetzenberger at dai-labor.de
Mon Feb 26 08:05:49 EST 2018

Call for Tutorials - 2018 Summer Simulation Multi-Conference (SummerSim’18)

As part of the SummerSim 2018 activities, we invite researchers and practitioners in academia, government agencies or industry to submit proposals for tutorials. Tutorials allow engaging conference attendees in extended discussions in the state of the art in modeling and simulation, tools, theory, methodologies and applications. As such, tutorials are great venues for group discussions and hands on activities.

If you are interested to give a tutorial, please send your proposal in PDF to the tutorial chair (marco.luetzenberger at dai-labor.de<mailto:marco.luetzenberger at dai-labor.de>) by providing what follows:

1. Title
2. Abstract
3. Presenter’s name, title, affiliation, country and email
4.  Length of Tutorial
5. Sample References
6. Bio Sketch

Tutorials are 90-120 minutes long. However, longer sessions can be allocated (up to four hours with breaks).

- Proposals Due: April 23, 2018
- Notification: May 7, 2018

Event Date: July 9, 2018

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