[agents] 19th ACM CONFERENCE ON ECONOMICS AND COMPUTATION (ACM EC'18): 2nd call for papers

Edith Elkind eelkind at gmail.com
Fri Jan 19 20:32:52 EST 2018

*2nd Call for Papers, Workshops and Tutorials*

The 19th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation
June 18-22, 2018
Cornell, Ithaca, NY, USA

*Conference overview*

Since 1999 the ACM Special Interest Group on Electronic Commerce (SIGecom)
has sponsored the leading scientific conference on advances in theory,
systems, and applications at the interface of economics and computation,
including applications to electronic commerce.
The Nineteenth ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC'18) will
feature invited speakers, paper presentations, workshops, tutorials, and
poster sessions.
The conference will be held from *Monday, June 18, 2018* through *Friday,
June 22, 2018* at Cornell in Ithaca, NY, USA. Accepted technical papers
will be presented from June 19 through June 21; tutorials will be held on
June 18 and workshops on June 22. Accepted papers will be available in the
form in which they are published in the ACM Digital Library prior to the

AUTHORS TAKE NOTE: The official publication date is the date the
proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be
up to two weeks prior to the first day of the conference. The official
publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to
published work.
The focus of the conference is research at the interface of economics and
computation related to (but not limited to) the following three
non-exclusive focus areas:

*Theory and FoundationsArtificial Intelligence and Applied Game
TheoryExperimental, Empirical, and Applications*

Authors can designate a paper for one or two of these focus areas. The
program committee includes Senior Program Committee (SPC) and Program
Committee (PC) members that are experts in all three focus areas, to ensure
appropriate review of papers.
EC publishes relevant papers on topics and methodologies that include:

MECHANISM DESIGN, including: algorithmic mechanism design, auctions,
revenue maximization, pricing, resource allocation, matching, computational
social choice

ECONOMIC AND STRATEGIC EQUILIBRIUM, including: equilibrium computation,
price of anarchy, markets

INFORMATION ELICITATION AND GENERATION, including: incentive compatibility,
prediction markets, recommender, reputation and trust systems, privacy

BEHAVIORAL MODELS, including: preference and decision theory, experiments,
consumer search, econometrics

ONLINE BEHAVIOR AND SYSTEMS, including: machine learning, automated agents,
trading agents, data mining, experience with e-commerce and systems,
economics of the Cloud, social networks, crowdsourcing

Submissions should be made at http://www.sigecom.org/ec18/papers.html

The conference is soliciting full papers (as well as workshop and tutorial
proposals; see below) on all aspects of research mentioned above. Submitted
papers should clearly establish the research contribution, its relevance,
and its relation to prior research. All submissions must be made in the
appropriate format, and within a specified length limit; details and a
LaTeX template can be found at the submission site. Additional pages beyond
the length limit may be included as appendices, but will only be read at
the discretion of the reviewers.

NEW: EC'18 will make use of double-blind reviewing. This means that you
must take measures to ensure that your identity is not easily revealed from
the submission itself. Please include the submission number (as assigned by
Easychair) in the author field of your submission, and refer to your prior
work in a neutral manner (i.e., instead of saying "We showed" say "XYZ et
al. showed"). Furthermore, if you provide a link to data or other
supplementary materials please host it in such a way that your identity is
not apparent from the link. It is acceptable to submit work that has been
presented in public or has appeared on ArXiV, provided the submission
itself is anonymized. PC members will be allowed to declare a conflict of
interest to the authors as well as to specific papers. You would still need
to enter the author information on Easychair when submitting the paper;
this information will be accessible to the conference chairs, but not to
the program committee members.

Submissions co-authored by PC and SPC members are allowed, but will be held
to a higher standard than other submissions.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: To accommodate the publishing traditions of different
fields, authors of accepted papers can ask that only a one-page abstract of
the paper appear in the proceedings, along with a URL pointing to the full
paper. Authors should guarantee the link to be reliable for at least two
years. This option is available to accommodate subsequent publication in
journals that would not consider results that have been published in
preliminary form in a conference proceedings. Such papers must be submitted
electronically and formatted just like papers submitted for full-text

Simultaneous submissions of results to another conference with published
proceedings is not allowed. Results previously published or presented at
another archival conference prior to EC, or published (or submitted for
publication) at a journal prior to the submission deadline to EC, will not
be considered. Papers that are accepted as a one-page abstract may not be
submitted to any other conference that has published proceedings.

A separate call for posters will be announced later.


*Tutorials: *

Tutorials provide an opportunity to educate the community about emerging
topics of interest, or about topics from related fields that merit
additional attention from the EC community. Think of a tutorial as an
opportunity to invite colleagues and young researchers to get excited about
a well-defined topic, to prepare them to dive into the literature, and to
guide them to the most exciting developments and open problems. Typically,
tutorials run anywhere between two hours and a full day, and consist of a
series of presentations by experts in the field.

Tutorial proposals should contain:
- the title of the tutorial
- the names, contact information, and short biographies of the organizers
- a description of the tutorial theme
- the organization/format of the tutorial
- any related tutorials that have been run
- required facilities for the tutorial
- the desired tutorial length (half day, full day, etc.)

Tutorial proposals should be emailed to ec18-tutorials-chair at acm.org.

* Workshops: *
Workshops provide an opportunity to bring together researchers to discuss
emerging areas of research in an informal forum. Workshop schedules should
be designed to promote discussion and debate. A workshop may include
invited talks, contributed talks, panel discussions, open problem sessions,
presentations of work in progress, or any other activities that stimulate
new ideas for research. It is up to the workshop organizers to determine
the format and technical content of each workshop and to solicit
contributions, but we encourage workshops that devote some time to
contributed content.

Workshop proposals should contain:
- the title of the workshop
- the names, contact information, and short biographies of the organizers
- the names of confirmed or candidate participants
- a description of the workshop theme
- the reviewing process for participants
- the organization/format of the workshop
- any previous versions of the workshop
- required facilities for the workshop
- the desired workshop length (half day, full day, etc.)

Note that most EC workshops are full days, but for accepted workshops, the
desired length will be honored as closely as possible.

We especially encourage submissions that bring together participants with
diverse backgrounds and experience.

Workshop proposals should be emailed to ec18-workshops-chair at acm.org.


*February 15, 2018, 11:59 PM PST*: Full electronic paper submissions due.
Please see http://www.sigecom.org/ec18/papers.html

March 1, 2018: Workshop and tutorial proposals due.
March 15, 2018: Tutorial & workshop proposal accept/reject notifications
March 27, 2018: Reviews sent to authors for author feedback
March 29, 2018: Author responses due
April 20, 2018: Paper accept/reject notifications
June 18, 2018: Tutorials
June 19-21, 2018: Conference technical program
June 22, 2018: Workshops



*General Chair:*
Eva Tardos, Cornell
ec18-general-chair at acm.org

*Program Chairs:*
Edith Elkind, University of Oxford
Rakesh Vohra, University of Pennsylvania
ec18-pc-chairs at acm.org

*Local Chair: *
Robert Kleinberg, Cornell
David Easley, Cornell
ec18-local-chair at acm.org

*Workshop Chairs:*
Scott Duke Kominers, Harvard Business School
Jenn Wortman Vaughan, Microsoft Research
ec18-workshops-chair at acm.org

*Tutorial Chairs:*
Itai Ashlagi, Stanford University
Katrina Ligett, Hebrew University
ec18-tutorials-chair at acm.org

*Senior Program Committee:*

Theory and Foundations:
Adam Wierman                California Institute of Technology
Adrian Vetta                     McGill University

Jay Sethuraman               Columbia University
Thanh Nguyen                  Purdue University
Brendan Lucier                 Microsoft Research

Ramesh Johari                 Stanford University
Eduardo Azevedo             University of Pennsylvania
Debasis Mishra                 Indian Statistical Institute
Mohammad Mahdian        Google Research
Ben Golub                         Harvard University

Ozan Candogan                University of Chicago
Azarakhsh Malekian          University of Toronto
Yaron Singer                     Harvard University
Nicole Immorlica               Microsoft Research

Katrina Ligett                     Hebrew University of
David Kempe                    University of Southern California
Alex Slivkins                      Microsoft Research

Martin Hoefer                    Goethe University Frankfurt
Michal Feldman                 Tel Aviv University
Moshe Babaioff                 Microsoft Research
Grant Schoenebeck          University of Michigan

Artificial Intelligence and Applied Game Theory:

Ioannis Caragiannis         University of Patras
Haris Aziz                         Data61
Vincent Conitzer               Duke University
Sanmay Das                     Washington University in St. Louis
Sebastien Lahaie             Google Research
Evangelos Markakis         Athens University of Economics and
Tuomas Sandholm           Carnegie Mellon University
Sven Seuken                    University of Zurich
Maria Polukarov                King's College London

Experimental, Empirical, and Applications:

Denis Nekipelov               University of Virginia

Eric Budish                       University of Chicago
Sharad Goel                     Stanford University
David Rothschild              Microsoft Research
David Manlove                 University of Glasgow
Craig Boutilier                  Google Research
Michael Bailey                  Facebook Research
Nicolas Stier                     Facebook Research
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