[agents] ICAPS 2018 Operations Research (OR) Track - Call for Papers (CFP)

Adrian Pearce adrianrp at unimelb.edu.au
Wed Oct 25 01:52:03 EDT 2017

ICAPS 2018 Operations Research (OR) Track - Call for Papers (CFP)


In 2018, ICAPS will run an Operations Research (OR) Track as part of the main conference. Operations research and automated planning are often seen as distinct fields with different application areas and techniques. Operations research typically focuses on optimizing an objective function defined over variables that are subject to a range of combinatorial and mathematical constraints. Automated planning is typically concerned with transforming a current state of the world into a desirable outcome, exploiting symbolic and search techniques for finding a feasible or even optimal sequence of actions. Moreover, in the context of reasoning about uncertainty, the two fields have often progressed in parallel, inventing orthogonal techniques or rediscovering existing ones. 

However, a wide variety of applications are now emerging that require a tighter integration of these two fields. These applications typically require reasoning about time, space, and resources simultaneously: Their solutions are sequences of actions that use limited resources over time and must be selected from a wealth of different alternatives. In addition, some of these applications have inherent uncertainties, ranging from exogenous factors such as the demand for some products to endogenous aspects that determine the outcome of some actions.

The OR track of the ICAPS conference solicits papers at the intersection of these two fields to stimulate and nurture progress in their integration. The track provides a forum to report new results and to compare existing methods and formulations for complex planning problems under constraints. The track welcomes both methodological and applied contributions. 

Author Guidelines

Authors may submit long papers (8 pages AAAI style plus up to one page of references) or short papers (4 pages plus up to one page of references). The type of paper must be indicated at submission time.

All papers, regardless of length, will be reviewed against the standard criteria of relevance, originality, significance, clarity and soundness, and are expected to meet the same high standards set by ICAPS. Short papers may be of narrower scope, for example by addressing a highly specific issue, or proposing or evaluating a small, yet important, extension of previous work or new idea.

Authors making multiple submissions must ensure that each submission has significant unique content. Papers submitted to ICAPS 2018 may not be submitted to other conferences or journals during the ICAPS 2018 review period nor may they be already under review or published in other conferences or journals. Overlength papers will be rejected without review.

Submission Instructions

All submissions will be made electronically, through the EasyChair conference system:


Submitted PDF papers should be anonymous for double-blind reviewing, adhere to the page limits of the relevant track CFP/submission type (long or short), and follow the AAAI author kit instructions for formatting: http://www.aaai.org/Publications/Author/icaps.php

In addition to the submitted PDF paper, authors can submit supplementary material (videos, technical proofs, additional experimental results) for their paper. Please make sure that the supporting material is also anonymized. Papers should be self-contained; reviewers are encouraged, but not obligated, to consider supporting material in their decision.

The proceedings will be published by AAAI Press. All accepted papers will be published in the main conference proceedings and will be presented orally at the conference (full papers will be allocated more time).

Important Dates

November 17, 2017Abstracts (electronic submission) due November 21, 2017Papers (electronic submission, PDF) due January 29, 2018Notification of acceptance

The reference timezone for all deadlines is UTC-12. That is, as long as there is still some place anywhere in the world where the deadline has not yet passed, you are on time!

Operations Research (OR) Track Chairs

Pascal Van Hentenryck, University of Michigan Adrian Pearce, University of Melbourne

Program Committee

Florian Pommering, University of Basel
Daniele Magazzeni, King's College London
Nina Narodytska, Samsung Research America	
Sylvie Thiebaux, Australian National University (ANU) Christopher Beck, University of Toronto Russell Bent, Los Alamos National Laboratory Blai Bonet, Universidad Simón Bolívar Christina Burt, Satalia André Augusto Ciré, University of Toronto Michelle Blom, University of Melbourne

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