[agents] CFP: AAAI-18 Workshop on AI for Imperfect-Information Games.

Marc Lanctot marc.lanctot at gmail.com
Thu Sep 14 11:36:22 EDT 2017

Dear all,
I would like to share a call for papers for:

*AAAI-18 Workshop on AI for Imperfect-Information Games*.
February 2018, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Submission Deadline: October 13th, 2017

The AAAI-18 Workshop on AI for Imperfect-Information Games is a forum where
researchers studying theoretical and practical aspects of
imperfect-information games can share current research and gather ideas
about how to improve the state of the art and advance AI research in this

Imperfect-information games are used to model various strategic
interactions involving hidden information such as negotiations, auctions,
and security interactions (both physical and virtual). Due to the presence
of hidden information, solving these games requires methods quite different
from traditional games of perfect information like chess or Go. Although
there has been considerable recent progress in a number of communities
studying imperfect-information games, the techniques used by each community
have remained relatively isolated despite their generality. There is ample
opportunity for cross-pollination between these communities, leading to new
applications of methods already popular in one community, or the creation
of new techniques by building upon the methods already established in
separate communities.

Topics of interest for the workshop include anything related to games of
imperfect information. This includes descriptions of novel competitors or
components of competitors from recent or future AAAI Annual Computer Poker
Competitions (ACPC), scalable algorithms for solving large imperfect
information games, opponent modelling and exploitation in games, algorithms
for general-sum and more-than-two-player games, modeling and analyzing the
effects of information asymmetry in games, strategic signaling (a.k.a.,
persuasion), exploration vs exploitation in strategic settings with
incomplete information, as well as research on any other topics related to
games of imperfect information.

Each submission should be in the form of a 2-8 page paper, using the main
AAAI conference format. We leave to the authors if they want to anonymize
their submissions or not. Papers should be submitted via EasyChair
<https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ai3>. Oral presentations and
poster session participants will be selected from the submissions. The
accepted papers will be published as a AAAI technical report. We also
welcome relevant submissions that are currently under review for the main

The deadline for submissions is *October 13, 2017*.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact one of the workshop

   - Noam Brown [noamb at cs.cmu.edu]
   - Marc Lanctot [lanctot at google.com]
   - Haifeng Xu [haifengx at usc.edu]
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