[agents] CfP: 1st Workshop on Algorithmic Game Theory at IJCAI (AGT at IJCAI-2015) - and journal publication opportunity
Georgios Chalkiadakis
gehalk at gmail.com
Wed Mar 18 07:37:28 EDT 2015
AGT at IJCAI 2015 Call for Papers
1st Workshop on Algorithmic Game Theory at IJCAI
Buenos Aires, Argentina
July 24-31, 2015
Key Dates:
April 27, 2015 - Submission of contributions to workshop
May 20, 2015 - Workshop paper acceptance notification
May 30, 2015 - Deadline for final camera ready copy to workshop
Over the past fifteen years, research in theoretical computer science,
artificial intelligence, and microeconomics has joined forces to tackle
problems involving incentives and computation. This research field,
commonly named Algorithmic Game Theory, is becoming increasingly more
The main aim of this one-day long workshop is to bring together the rich
variety of scientists that IJCAI attracts in order to have a
multidisciplinary forum within which discuss and analyze current and novel
challenges that the research in Algorithmic Game Theory faces.
All paper submissions will be peer-reviewed and evaluated on the basis of
the quality of their contribution, originality, soundness, and
significance. Industrial applications and position papers presenting novel
ideas, issues, challenges and directions are also welcome. Submissions are
invited in, but not limited to, the following topics:
- Algorithmic mechanism design
- Auction algorithms and analysis
- Behavioral Game Theory
- Bounded rationality
- Computational advertising
- Computational aspects of equilibria
- Computational social choice
- Convergence and learning in games
- Coalitions, coordination and collective action
- Economic aspects of security and privacy
- Economic aspects of distributed and network computing
- Information and attention economics
- Network games
- Price differentiation and price dynamics
- Social networks
Program Committee:
Ioannis Caragiannis (University of Patras)
Constantinos Daskalakis (MIT)
Edith Elkind (University of Oxford)
Diodato Ferraioli (Università di Salerno)
Martin Gairing (University of Liverpool)
Enrico H. Gerding (University of Southampton)
Vasilis Gkatzelis (Stanford)
Umberto Grandi (IRIT)
Gianluigi Greco (Università della Calabria)
Nicole Immorlica (Microsoft Research)
Jerome Lang (Université Paris-Dauphine)
Kate Larson (University of Waterloo)
Katrina Ligett (California Institute of Technology)
Emiliano Lorini (IRIT)
Brendan Lucier (MSR New England)
Vangelis Markakis (Athens University of Economics and Business)
Noam Nisan (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
David Parkes (Harvard University)
Maria Polukarov (University of Southampton)
Valentin Robu (Heriot-Watt University)
Francesca Rossi (Università di Padova)
Eva Tardos (Cornell)
Orestis Telelis (University of Piraeus)
Vijay V. Vazirani (Georgia Tech)
Angelina Vidali (UPMC Sorbonne Universities)
Toby Walsh (NICTA and UNSW)
Submission Guidelines:
Authors are invited to submit a paper of no more than 16 pages, including
references, in LNCS style. All submissions will be electronic via the
EasyChair page for the conference (the link will be provided on the
workshop website in due course). Submissions must adhere to the specified
format and length. All the technical details that are necessary for a
proper scientific evaluation of a submission must be included in a
clearly-labelled appendix, to be consulted at the discretion of program
committee members. Please note that reviewing will not be double-blinded.
To widen participation and encourage discussion, there will be no formal
publication of workshop proceedings. Therefore, submissions of preliminary
work and papers to be submitted or in preparation for submission to other
major venues in the field are encouraged.
However, please note the following ...
Journal Publication Opportunity for AGT at IJCAI authors!
We have made the following arrangement with the peer-reviewed, open-access
journal Games”:
Pending submission of at least 5 selected AGT at IJCAI papers to the journal,
Games will issue a special edition of papers from the workshop, with a
rapid review procedure.
Submissions will get a *full waiver* of the 540 US$ publication fee. (
Organizing Committee:
Georgios Chalkiadakis (Technical University of Crete)
Nicola Gatti (Politecnico di Milano)
Reshef Meir (Harvard University)
Carmine Ventre (Teesside University)
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