[agents] Call for Applications - IJCAI School 2014 - Doctoral Consortium

Silvia Schiaffino silvia.schiaffino at gmail.com
Fri Apr 11 10:36:46 EDT 2014

IJCAI School 2014 - Doctoral Consortium in Artificial Intelligence

Call for Applications

1-5 Sept, Buenos Aires, Argentina

co-located with Argentine Symposium on Artificial Intelligence

Ph.D. students are cordially invited to apply to the Doctoral Consortium
program to be held as part of the IJCAI School, which this year will be
co-located with the ASAI conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina, September
1-5, 2014. The Doctoral Consortium in Artificial Intelligence 2014 is the
first in the country of its kind. The event runs in parallel with the
courses along the five days of the school, and will be structured in
sessions of thesis abstracts presentations (oral and posters) with room for


The Doctoral Consortium (DC) will provide a very interesting opportunity
for Ph.D. students to discuss their research interests, career  objectives
and funding opportunities with senior researchers with similar research
interests. Some of the following researchers will lead the DC
discussions[1]: Prof. Ramón López de Mántaras (Spain), Prof. Fausto
Giunchiglia (Italy), Prof. Eric Brown (IBM-USA), Prof. Steve Chien (USA),
Prof. Qiang Yang (Hong Kong), Prof. Huei Diana Lee (Brazil), Prof. Yves
Demazeau (France), Prof. Hector Geffner (España), Prof. Jaime Simao Sichman
(Brasil), as well as Argentine experts.

It is intended for students who have a specific research proposal and some
preliminary results, but have sufficient time prior to completing their
 to benefit from the consortium experience. The DC will consist in daily
meetings among a few selected students and senior researchers in related
research areas.

The aims of the DC are:
* to provide a forum for students to present their current research, and
receive feedback from other students and senior researchers;
* to promote contacts among PhD students working in similar areas;
* to support students with information and advice on academic, research and
industrial careers.


In order to be able to participate in the DC and its meetings, students
must apply and be selected. Furthermore, a number of student grants will be
available to support participation. Soon more information will be available
on the DC webpage.

Applications must be submitted via an online submission site (see below)
and contain the following materials:

* Research statement: a two (2) page extended abstract on their thesis
containing a description of the problem being addressed, motivation for
addressing the problem, proposed plan of research, the progress to date
(what you have already achieved and what remains to be done), and related
work. It must be written in the style described in

* Curriculum Vitae: (2 pages) with background (name, university), education
(degree sought, year/status in degree, previous degrees), employment, and
relevant experience in research (publications, presentations, conferences
attended, etc).

* Letter of recommendation: a concise letter from the thesis advisor
supporting participation in the DC.

The preferred way of submission is to combine all this material into a
single PDF document. The resulting single file has to be submitted via the
(soon available) system http://www.43jaiio.org.ar/?q=envio-trabajos

The extended abstracts will be published as part of the ASAI proceedings.


- April 14, 2014 : Deadline for application
- June 16, 2014 : Acceptance notification
- September 1-5, 2014 : Doctoral Consortium

* Dra. Georgina Stegmayer - CIDISI-CONICET, Argentina

Program Committee (confirmed thus far)
* Dra. Silvana Aciar - Instituto de informática, UNSJ - San Juan, Argentina
* Dra. Analia Amandi - ISISTAN (UNCPBA - CONICET) - Tandil, Argentina
* Dr. Gustavo Batista - Universidade de São Paulo - São Paulo, Brasil
* Dra. Ana Lucia Bazzan - INF / UFRGS - Porto Alegre, Brasil
* Dr. Blai Bonet - LDC, Universidad Simón Bolivar, Venezuela
* Dr. Eric W. Brown -  IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, EEUU
* Dr. Carlos Chesñevar - UNS / CONICET - Bahía Blanca, Argentina
* Dr.Juan Manuel Corchado -  Universidad de Salamanca, España
* Dr. Fabio Cozman - USP, Brasil
* Dr. Yves Demazeau - CNRS - LIG, Grenoble, Francia
* Dr. Fausto Giunchiglia - DISI - Trento, Italia
* Dra. Daniela Godoy - ISISTAN, (UNCPBA / CONICET) - Tandil, Argentina
* Dr. Pablo Granitto - CIFASIS (UNR - CONICET) - Rosario, Argentina
* Dr. Giancarlo Guizzardi - UFES, Brasil
* Dra. Gabriela Henning - INTEC (UNL, CONICET) - Santa Fe, Argentina
* Dra.. Huei Diana Lee - LABI / UNIOESTE / PTI - Foz de Iguazú, Brasil
* Dra. Ana Maguitman - DCIC - UNS / CONICET - Bahía Blanca, Argentina
* Dr. Ramón López de Mántaras - IIIA / CSIC. Catalunia, España
* Dr. Diego Milone - FICH - UNL/CONICET - Santa Fe, Argentina
* Dra. Maria Carolina Monard - LABIC - São Carlos, Brasil
* Dr. Juan Pavón Mestras - Universidad Complutense Madrid, España
* Dr. Marcelo Pimenta - INF / UFRGS - Porto Alegre, Brasil
* Dr. Jaime Simao Sichman - POLI, USP, Brasil
* Dra. Solange Rezende - LABIC - São Carlos, Brasil
* Dra. Maria Cristina Riff - Univ. Técnica Federico Santa María Valparaíso
- Chile
* Dr. Roberto Santana - Universidad del País Vasco - España

For further information, please contact:

Georgina Stegmayer (CIDISI - UTN - FRSF /CONICET -
gstegmayer at santafe-conicet.gov.ar)
Facundo Bromberg (UTN-FRM, CONICET, ARG -  fbromberg at frm.utn.edu.ar)
silvia.schiaffino at isistan.unicen.edu.ar)

And visit: https://sites.google.com/site/ijcaischool2014/

[1] Confirmed so far, the full list will include more people.

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