[agents] OptMAS-DCR 2014: Call for participation

Meritxell Vinyals meritxell.vinyals at gmail.com
Thu Apr 10 11:57:35 EDT 2014

** OptMAS-DCR 2014: Call for participation **

OptMAS-DCR is an AAMAS workshop on Optimization in multiagent systems 
and Distributed Constraint Reasoning, which will take place on May 
5-6th, 2014 in Paris.


This year's program includes **17 contributed papers**, a **tutorial**, 
and an **invited talk by Prof. Toby Walsh**.

Please note that the AAMAS registration procedure has changed this year. 
Now, when you register for a workshop day (either Monday, Tuesday, or 
both), you are allowed to attend any or all of the workshop sessions on 
that day. Recall that to present you should be registered the day at the 
workshops; otherwise, you will not be able to enter the workshop venue. 
See http://aamas2014.lip6.fr for more information about registration.


Anytime Coalition Structure Generation on Scale-Free and Community Networks
Filippo Bistaffa, Alessandro Farinelli, Jesus Cerquides, Juan A. 
Rodriguez-Aguilar and Sarvapali D. Ramchurn

Multi-Agent Patrolling under Uncertainty and Threats
Shaofei Chen, Feng Wu, Lincheng Shen, Jing Chen and Sarvapali Ramchurn

Model and Algorithm for Dynamic Multi-Objective Distributed Optimization
Maxime Clement, Tenda Okimoto, Tony Ribeiro and Katsumi Inoue

Simulation vs Real Execution in DCOP Solving
Francisco Cruz, Patricia Gutierrez and Pedro Meseguer

A Simple Polynomial-Time Randomized Distributed Algorithm for Connected 
Row Convex Constraints
T.K. Satish Kumar, Duc Thien Nguyen, William Yeoh and Sven Koenig

Equilibria of EV Charging
Benny Lutati, Vadim Levit, Tal Grinshpoun and Amnon Meisels

AgentZero: A Framework for Simulating and Evaluating Multi-Agent Algorithms
Benny Lutati, Vadim Levit and Amnon Meisels

Distributed Problem Solving in Geometrically-Structured Constraint Networks
Roger Mailler and Huimin Zheng

Neuroevolution of a multi-agent system for the dynamic pickup and 
delivery problem
Jonathan Merlevede, Rinde R.S. van Lon and Tom Holvoet

Decentralized Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning in Average-Reward 
Dynamic DCOPs
Duc Thien Nguyen, William Yeoh, Hoong Chuin Lau, Shlomo Zilberstein and 
Chongjie Zhang

Binary max-sum for multi-team task allocation in RoboCup Rescue
Marc Pujol-Gonzalez, Jesus Cerquides, Alessandro Farinelli, Pedro 
Meseguer and Juan A. Rodriguez-Aguilar

Discriminative MO-COP Operators
Nicolas Schwind, Tenda Okimoto, Tony Ribeiro, Sebastien Konieczny and 
Katsumi Inoue

Using Machine Learning for Operational Decisions in Adversarial Environments
Yevgeniy Vorobeychik and John Ross Wallrabenstein

Computing Minimax Strategy for Discretized Spatio-Temporal Zero-Sum 
Security Games
Haifeng Xu, Fei Fang, Albert Xin Jiang, Vincent Conitzer, Shaddin Dughmi 
and Milind Tambe

Applying DCOP_MST to a Team of Mobile Robots with Directional Sensing 
Harel Yedidsion and Roie Zivan

PaCcET: An Objective Space Transformation to Shape the Pareto Front and 
Eliminate Concavity
Logan Yliniemi and Kagan Tumer

Opportunistic Security Game: An Initial Report
Chao Zhang, Albert Xin Jiang, Martin B. Short, P. Jeffrey Brantingham 
and Milind Tambe

Program details will be posted soon at:


We hope to see you in Paris!

Archie Chapman
Meritxell Vinyals
William Yeoh
Roie Zivan

(OptMAS'14 co-chairs)

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