[agents] CFP: Secure Autonomous Electric Power Grids Workshop at SASO 2012
Haack, Jereme N
Jereme.Haack at pnnl.gov
Tue May 29 12:23:29 EDT 2012
Call for papers:
Secure Autonomous Electric Power Grids Workshop at SASO 2012
September 10, 2012
Lyon, France
Full call at: https://sites.google.com/site/saepog/
Electric energy grids worldwide are becoming smarter and more adaptive to efficiently bring power from a wide variety of production technologies to a broad consumer base. With this increase in complexity and adaptivity we see an ever-increasing demand for predictable power availability and cost-optimizing control of power consumption (and local generation where available) among consumers. "Security" in the grid has many dimensions, from protecting national resources against human adversaries to simply guaranteeing the availability of power to customers. This workshop is concerned with creating autonomous electric power grids that are secure in all senses of the word.
Topics of Interest:
Bounded adaptivity or control; planning for emergence
- Control algorithms for stable, distributed power allocation
- System resilience in the face of large-scale outages or natural disasters?
- Bounded adaptivity (maintaining dynamic stability in an adaptive power system)?
- Additional uses for the highly adaptive power grid?
- The effects of electric vehicles on the adaptive grid?
Self-* features
- Self-adaptive distributed generation and renewables integration?
- Human factors in an autonomic power grid (for users, owners, and maintainers)?
- Nature-inspired solutions for grid management?
- Self-organizing provisioning of balancing power, demand response, and other power system services.
- Self-healing power grids?
Security and Privacy
- Smart grid security and self-protection?
- Power availability
- Cyber security
- Ensuring consumers' needs and desires are met
- Anonymizing consumer information
Distributed analytics and control
- Decentralized analytics for power flows (e.g. detection of faulty meters, power theft prevention, and power flow monitoring)?
- Economic models of adaptive power systems?
- Situational awareness and response
- Safety-critical coordination of multiple agents (e.g., "lock-out/tag-out" for line safety)
Important Dates:
Submission of papers and demonstration abstracts:
04 July 2012
Author acceptance notification:
25 July 2012
Early registration deadline:
20 August 2012
Camera-ready papers due:
24 August 2012
Workshop date:
10 September 2012
For more information contact: saepog2012 at easychair.org<mailto:saepog2012 at easychair.org> with "SAEPOG 2012" as the subject.
Thank you
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