[agents] FIPA chair

Javier Vázquez Salceda jvazquez at lsi.upc.edu
Wed Feb 8 03:06:49 EST 2012

Dear James, all:

    I do agree with Wathiq suggestion to expand FIPA further outside 
EU-US, as FIPA is supposed to be now an international IEEE standard, and 
agent technologies and research has spread to other regions. Also we 
need to increase the participation of industry if we want agent 
technology to expand its use in practice.

    I think that we should also take the opportunity of the next AAMAS 
conference in Valencia to re-constitute the new FIPA, so I suggest to 
create a timeline from now to beginning of June to prepare not only for 
the election of the new FIPA chair but also the new FIPA structure.

    Best regards.


  ()()()  Associate Professor / Profesor Titular
  U P C   Knowledge Engineering and Machine Learning Group

address: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
          Dept. Llenguatges i Sistemes Informàtics
          Edifici K2M, Despatx 202e
          C/ Jordi Girona Salgado 1-3
          E - 08034 Barcelona

telf: (+34) 93 413 7903    e-mail: jvazquez at lsi.upc.edu
fax:  (+34) 93 413 7787    http://www.lsi.upc.edu/~jvazquez/

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