[agents] CFP: TAFA-11 to be held with IJCAI 2011 (submission deadline changed)

Oren, N. n.oren at abdn.ac.uk
Wed Feb 9 05:55:25 EST 2011

(Apologies for cross-posting)


TAFA 2011 at IJCAI

First International Workshop on the Theory and Applications of Formal Argumentation (TAFA-2011)

Barcelona, Spain, 16 July 2011


About TAFA 2011

Recent years have witnessed a rapid growth of interest in formal models of argumentation and their application in diverse sub-fields and domains of application of AI. Argumentation thus shows great promise as a theoretically-grounded tool for a wide range of applications. This workshop aims at contributing to the realisation of this promise, by promoting and fostering uptake of argumentation as a viable AI paradigm with wide ranging application, and providing a forum for further development of ideas and the initiation of new and innovative collaborations. TAFA therefore encourages submission of papers on formal theoretical models of argumentation and application of such models in (sub-fields of) AI, and evaluation of models, both theoretical (in terms of formal properties) and practical (in concretely developed applications). We also particularly encourage work on theories and applications developed through inter-disciplinary collaborations.

With the above aims and intended impact in mind, the workshop will include an extended panel session inviting leading researchers in argumentation and in sub-fields of AI in which argumentation has been applied. The panel session will address the topic: `The future of argumentation: what is its added value and how we communicate this to researchers in the Artificial Intelligence community and beyond.'


The workshop solicits papers dealing with, but not limited to, the following topics:

                • Properties of formal models of argumentation
                • Instantiations of abstract argumentation frameworks
                • Relationships amongst different argumentation frameworks
                • Argumentation and other Artificial Intelligence techniques
                • Evaluation of formal models of argumentation
                • Validation and evaluation of applications of argumentation

Submission Guidelines

Submission to the workshop will take place via the EasyChair system, and will be anonymously reviewed. Contributors must submit papers (no longer than 15 pages) in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (style). Formatting instructions, as well as the style and sample files can be found here:




Accepted papers will be published in Springer LNAI post-proceedings

Important Dates

2 April 2011: Submission Deadline
30 April 2011: Notifications of Acceptance
16 May 2011: Camera Ready Copy Due
16 July 2011: Workshop

Organising Committee

   * Sanjay Modgil (Corresponding Organiser)
     Department of Informatics,
     King’s College London
     sanjay.modgil [at] kcl.ac.uk

   * Nir Oren
      Department of Computer Science,
      University of Aberdeen
      n.oren [at] abdn.ac.uk

   * Francesca Toni
     Department of Computing,
     Imperial College London
     ft [at] imperial.ac.uk

Program Committee

Leila Amgoud, IRIT, Toulouse, France
Katie Atkinson, University of Liverpool, UK
Pietro Baroni, University of Brescia, Italy
Floris Bex, University of Dundee, UK
Elizabeth Black, Universiy of Utrecht, Netherlands
Guido Boella, Universita di Torino, Italy
Ivan Bratko, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Gerhard Brewka, University of Leipzig, Germany
Martin Caminada, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Carlos Chesnevar, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina
Sylvie Doutre, University of Toulouse 1, France
Phan Minh Dung, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand
Paul Dunne, University of Liverpool, UK
Dov Gabbay, King’s College London, UK
Massimilliano Giacomin, University of Brescia, Italy
Tom Gordon, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany
Anthony Hunter, Univeristy College London, UK
Antonis Kakas, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Nicholas Maudet, Universite Paris Dauphine, France
Peter McBurney, University of Liverpool, UK
Sanjay Modgil, King's College London, UK
Pavlos Moraitis, Paris Descartes University, France
Timothy J. Norman, University of Aberdeen, UK
Nir Oren, University of Aberdeen, UK
Simon Parsons, City University of New York, USA
Henry Prakken, Utrecht University, & University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Iyad Rahwan, Masdar Institute, UAE, & Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Chris Reed, University of Dundee, UK
Nicolas Rotstein, University of Aberdeen, UK
Guillermo Simari, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina
Francesca Toni, Imperial College, London, UK
Serena Villata, University of Turin, Italy
Simon Wells, University of Dundee, UK
Stefan Woltran, TU Vienna, Institute of Information Systems, Austria
Leon van der Torre, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Dr. Nir Oren                                                     n.oren at abdn.ac.uk
Department of Computing Science            Tel: +44 (0) 1224 274162
University of Aberdeen                                 Fax: +44 (0) 1224 273422
AB24 3UE                                                       http://www.csd.abdn.ac.uk/~niroren/

The University of Aberdeen is a charity registered in Scotland, No SC013683.

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