[agents] EXTENDED DEADLINE: AMEC XIII - 13th International Workshop on Agent-Mediated Electronic Commerce

Sebastian Stein ss2 at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Tue Feb 8 19:33:01 EST 2011

******  NOTE: Extended Deadline: February 13  ******

                 Call for papers

                A M E C   X I I I

           13th International Workshop on
         Agent-Mediated Electronic Commerce


        Held in conjunction with AAMAS 2011
            May 2, 2011, Taipei, Taiwan




The design and analysis of electronic commerce systems in which agents are
deployed involves finding solutions to a large and diverse array of
problems, concerning individual agent behaviors, interaction, and collective
behavior. A wide variety of electronic commerce scenarios and systems, and
agent approaches to these, have been studied in recent years. These studies
suggest models that support the design and the analysis at both the level of
the single agent and the level of the multi-agent system.

This workshop will address both the agent level and the system level,
combining design and analysis aspects of electronic commerce. The primary
goal of this workshop is to continue to bring together novel work from
diverse fields as Computer Science, Game Theory, Economics, Artificial
Intelligence and Distributed Systems that focus on modeling, implementation
and evaluation of computational trading agents and institutions.

We particularly encourage work that addresses the computational and
practical aspects of agent-mediated electronic commerce along the following
(non-limiting) topics: 

-	Agency and contract theory in e-commerce
-	AI and autonomous agent systems in e-commerce
-	Algorithmic mechanism design
-	Auction and negotiation technology
-	Automated shopping, trading, and contract management
-	Computational aspects of economics, game theory, and voting
-	Experience with e-commerce systems and markets
-	Formation of supply chains, coalitions, and virtual enterprises
-	Languages for describing agents, goods, services, and contracts
-	Learning and Intelligence aspects of trading agents
-	Peer-to-peer, grid, and other open distributed systems
-	Prediction/information markets
-	Preferences and decision theory
-	Recommendation, reputation, and trust systems
-	Software and systems requirements, architectures, and performance

Furthermore, this workshop will also welcome position papers discussing
central non-technical issues of agent-mediated electronic commerce. For

-	Business models and markets for AMEC
-	Novel applications
-	Past and future of AMEC technologies
-	Technical, economic, social and policy opportunities and challenges

Important dates and deadlines

Deadline for the submission of full papers:       February 13, 2011
Notification of acceptance/rejection:             February 28, 2011
Deadline for the receipt of camera-ready papers:  March 12, 2011
Workshop:                                         May 2, 2011


As in the past, selected AMEC XIII papers will be invited for publication in
a Springer LNBIP volume, in a format similar to previous workshops in the
AMEC series.

Submission instructions

Authors should submit full papers electronically in PS or PDF format on
EasyChair (http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=amec2011) or by email
to astrdod at acad.ash-college.ac.il, with the exact subject line: "AMEC-XIII
submission". Papers must be written in English, with a maximum length of 14
pages. Please format papers according to the Springer LNCS Style
(http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0). Templates
for Word and Latex are available. The receipt of submissions will be
acknowledged by email. Submitted papers will be reviewed by the program

Note: Workshop attendees need not register for the main AAMAS conference,
but are encouraged to do so.

Program chairs

Onn Shehory
IBM Haifa Research Lab
onn at il.ibm.com 

Esther David
Department of Computer Science
Ashkelon Academic College
astrdod at acad.ash-college.ac.il 

Sebastian Stein
School of Electronics and Computer Science
University of Southampton
ss2 at ecs.soton.ac.uk

Valentin Robu
School of Electronics and Computer Science
University of Southampton
vr2 at ecs.soton.ac.uk

Publicity and publications chair

Rina Azulay
Jerusalem College of Technology (JCT)
rrinaa at gmail.com

Program committee

Bo An
Maria Chli
John Collins
Florin Constantin
Yagil Engel
Shaheen Fatima
Nicola Gatti
Enrico Gerding
Mingyu Guo
Noam Hazon
Minghua He
Sverker Janson
Radu Jurca
Wolfgang Ketter
Han La Poutré
Jérôme Lang
Kate Larson
Peter McBurney
Jörg Müller
David Pardoe
Simon Parsons
Zinovi Rabinovich
Juan Antonio Rodriguez Aguilar
Alex Rogers
Jeffrey Rosenschein
Alberto Sardinha
David Sarne
Perukrishnen Vytelingum
William Walsh
Dongmo Zhang


Please contact Esther David (astrdod at acad.ash-college.ac.il) or Sebastian
Stein (ss2 at ecs.soton.ac.uk) with any enquiries.

AMEC organizers

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