[agents] CfP: Formal Methods for Pervasive Systems [Pervasive at FM2011] ...

Brian Logan bsl at Cs.Nott.AC.UK
Mon Jan 17 12:09:56 EST 2011

                           CALL FOR PAPERS

      "Formal Methods for Pervasive Systems [Pervasive at FM2011]"
A Workshop held as part of FORMAL METHODS 2011 -- http://fm2011.lero.ie

                      DEADLINE:  20th March 2011

[ See http://www.csc.liv.ac.uk/~michael/Pervasive@FM2011.{pdf,html,txt} ]

Logics, Process calculi, Automata, Specification languages,
Probabilistic analysis, Model checking, Theorem-proving, Tools,
Automated deduction 


privacy, behaviour, security, reliability, interoperability,
context-aware, mobility, resource requirements, temporal 

			     *ASPECTS OF*

pervasive healthcare systems, sensor networks, e-commerce, cloud
computing, MANETs/VANETs, telephony, device swarms, electronic tags,
human-device interaction, etc.

Our aim is to have productive discussions and a true workshop
"feel". Thus, we invite two kinds of submission: 

 1. Original research papers concerning any of the above topics; or
 2. Survey papers providing an overview of some of the above topics.

Submissions should be written in English, formatted according Springer
LNCS style, and not exceed 20 pages in length. Submissions must be
made via http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=pervasivefm2011

Our aim is for an informal proceedings based on these submissions to
be available during the workshop. Depending upon the success of the
workshop, we intend to produce an edited book based (at least in part)
upon the contributions or develop a special issue of a journal.

    Submission deadline:          20th March 2011
    Notification of acceptance:    1st May 2011
    Pre-proceedings version due:  20th May 2011
    Workshop:                     20th or 21st June, 2011

    Simon Dobson (School of Computer Science, University of St. Andrews)

    Michael Fisher    (University of Liverpool, UK)
    Brian Logan       (University of Nottingham, UK)

    Natasha Alechina    (Nottingham, UK)
    Myrto Arapinis      (Birmingham, UK)
    Mohamed Bakhouya    (Belfort, FR)
    Doina Bucur         (INCAS3, NL)
    Michael Butler      (Southampton, UK)
    Muffy Calder        (Glasgow, UK)
    Antonio Coronato    (CNR, IT)
    Soren Debois        (Copenhagen, DK)
    Giuseppe De Pietro  (CNR, IT)
    Marina De Vos       (Bath, UK)
    Simon Dobson        (St Andrews, UK)
    Michael Fisher      (Liverpool, UK)
    Michael Harrison    (Newcastle, UK)
    Savas Konur         (Liverpool, UK)
    Brian Logan         (Nottingham, UK)
    Alessio Lomuscio    (Imperial, UK)
    Ka Lok Man          (XJTLU, CN)
    Julian Padget       (Bath, UK)
    Anand Ranganathan   (IBM, USA)
    Alessandro Russo    (Imperial, UK)
    Mark Ryan           (Birmingham, UK)
    Chris Unsworth      (Glasgow, UK)
    Kaiyu Wan           (XJTLU, CN)

    Natasha Alechina    (University of Nottingham, UK)
    Muffy Calder        (University of Glasgow, UK)
    Michael Fisher      (University of Liverpool, UK)
    Brian Logan         (University of Nottingham, UK)
    Mark Ryan           (University of Birmingham, UK)

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