[agents] POLICY 2011 Call for Demos

Wishart, Ryan r.wishart at imperial.ac.uk
Mon Jan 17 10:52:34 EST 2011

(apologies if you receive multiple copies of this call)



IEEE International Symposium on 


6-8 June 2011

Pisa, Italy




System demonstration submission deadline:                   20 January  2011 

System demonstrator notification:                                       18 February 2011 

Camera ready description of demo:                                   18 March 2011

Symposium dates:                                                                6-8 June 2011



We are delighted to announce: 

* three distinguished invited speakers:

- Jeffrey Kephart, IBM T.J. Watson Research Centre
- Alexander Pretschner, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
- Pierangela Samarati, Universita' degli Studi di Milano

* A panel discussion on the second day led by Morris Sloman 
from Imperial College London. 

* Some student grants will be available to encourage attendance by PhD and 
masters students.



The symposium brings together researchers and
practitioners working on policy-based systems
across a wide range of application domains
including policy-based networking, privacy, trust
and security management, autonomic computing,
pervasive systems and enterprise systems. 

POLICY 2011 is the 12th in a series of successful events,
which have provided a forum for discussion and
collaboration between researchers, developers and
users of policy-based systems. 



POLICY 2011 invites system demonstrations that illustrate
research contributions and innovative applications
of policy-based technologies. System demonstration submissions 
will be evaluated on the basis of their technical merit and novelty.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:

Privacy and Security:

- Frameworks and tools for managing the privacy
  and the security policy life-cycle

- Architectures for deployment and enforcement of
  privacy and security policies 

- Refinement of high-level privacy/security requirements
  into policies 

- Detection and resolution of inconsistencies in privacy 
  and security policies

- Usability of policy-based privacy and security
  management tools

Policy Models and Languages:

- Abstract models and languages for policy specification

- Semantic Web rule languages for policy reasoning 

- Policy standards, their extensions and refinements

- Formal semantics of policies

- NLP and policy specification

- Methodologies and tools for specifying, analyzing, 
  refining, and evaluating policies

- Detection and resolution of policy conflicts

- Policy negotiation models and techniques

- Representation of belief, trust, and risk and their 
  use in conjunction with policy-based systems

- Systems and tools for the management of policies

- Policy visualization

- Usability of policy languages and representations 

Policy Applications:

- Federated policy management in heterogeneous 
  organisational contexts and control domains

- Case studies of applying policy-based management in 
  different application domains

- Application of policies for resource allocation, 
  autonomic computing, systems management, 

QoS adaptation and security

- Policy-based systems for cloud computing, and service 
  oriented applications

- Policy-based networking, including collaborative security, 
  pervasive computing, and mobile systems

- Policy-based Semantic Web applications

- Business rules and organizational modelling

- Policy Metrics: evaluation of the effectiveness of policies

- Policy applications in on-demand, utility based computing

- Resource virtualization and policy-based collaboration

- Cross-domain policy coordination and negotiation

- Scalability of policy-based management 

- Architectures of policy-based management systems 

- Policy Learning and automated policy generation

Those interested in demonstrating a system/application 
should submit a description following the instructions 
in the submission information section. Commercial
products are eligible, but sales and marketing
activities are not appropriate.



System demonstration submission deadline:                   20 January  2011 

System demonstrator notification:                                       18 February 2011 

Camera ready description of demos:	                           18 March 2011

Symposium dates:                                                                6-8 June 2011



System demonstration descriptions will be published as part of the 
POLICY 2011 proceedings by the IEEE Computer Society. Submissions 
must be in IEEE Proceedings 2-Column format (http://ieeeformats.notlong.com),
and must satisfy the following page limits:

- System demonstration descriptions illustrating innovative 
  applications of policy-based technologies 
  (max length 2 pages, not including references).

Demonstration descriptions should be submitted via EasyChair 
( http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=policy2011 )



General Chair:

Fabio Martinelli, National Research Council (CNR), Pisa, Italy

Program Chairs:

Daniel Olmedilla, Telefonica R&D Spain
Alessandra Russo, Imperial College London, United Kingdom

Publicity Chair:

Ryan Wishart, Imperial College London, United Kingdom



Benzeka Abdelmalik, IRIT
Dakshi Agrawal, IBM Research
Gail-J. Ahn, Arizona State University
Arosha Bandara,	Open University
Moritz Becker, Microsoft Research Cambridge
Elisa Bertino, Purdue University
Claudio Bertolini, HP Labs
Piero Bonatti, Universita' di Napoli Federico II
Raouf Boutaba, University of Waterloo
Jeffrey Bradshaw, Institute for Human and Machine Cognition 
Seraphin Calo, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
Barbara Carminati, University of Insubria
Marco Casassa Mont, HP Labs
Ritu Chadha, Telcordia
Marinos Charalambides, University College London 
Gregory Cirincione, Army Research Lab
Bruno Crispo, Vrije Universiteit, Netherlands
Yuri Demchenko, University of Amsterdam
Grit Denker, SRI
Naranker Dulay, Imperial College London 
Sandro Etalle, Technical University of Eindhoven
David Eyers, Cambridge University
Olivier Festor, INRIA Nancy - Grand Est
Weili Han, Fudan University
Anandha Gopalan, Imperial College London 
Shinichi Honiden, National Institute for Informatics 
Sushil Jajodia, George Mason University
Helge Janicke, De Montfort University
Lalana Kagal, MIT CSAIL
Adam Lee, University of Pittsburgh 
Kang-won Lee, IBM Research
Ninghui Li, Purdue University
Peter Linington, University of Kent 
Jorge Lobo, IBM Research, US
Boon Thau Loo, University of Pennsylvania 
Emil Lupu, Imperial College London 
Hanan Lutfiyya, University of Western Ontario
Naftaly Minsky, Rutgers University
Ken Moody, Cambridge University, UK
Reagan Moore, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
Prasad Naldurg, Microsoft Research India
Mark Ryan, University of Birmingham 
Babak Sadighi, Axiomatics
Pierangela Samarati, University of Milan
Andreas Schaad, SAP
Constantin Serban, Rutgers University
Morris Sloman, Imperial College London
Angelos Stavrou, GMU
Roshan Thomas, Sparta
Frank Tompa, University of Waterloo
Mahesh Tripunitaria, University of Waterloo 
Duminda Wijesekera, George Mason University, USA
Marianne Winslett, University of Illinois
Lisandro Zambenedetti Granville, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul 

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