[agents] CFP: AAAI-10 Workshop on Metacognition for robust social systems

Guido Boella guido at di.unito.it
Mon Dec 7 07:37:30 EST 2009

AAAI-10 Workshop on Metacognition for robust social systems

July 11-12, 2010
Atlanta, Georgia

The focus of this workshop is on the design considerations, issues and 
challenges in using metacognition to improve the robustness of social 
systems that include purely artificial entities or both humans and 
software agents. Metacognition is the process of thinking about thinking 
itself. It is composed of both meta-level control of cognitive 
activities and the introspective monitoring of such activities to 
evaluate and to explain them.

The significance of this workshop is to continue to bring together 
researchers from different areas such as multi-agent systems, 
planning/scheduling, case-based reasoning and cognitive science. It will 
foster discussions about ongoing research in metacognition, identify 
best practices and establish directions for future research and 

Specific topics of interest include:
• Bounded rationality in social systems
• Centralized versus distributed meta-level control
• Computational models of self and consciousness
• Conflict resolution in social systems
• Emotional models for social systems
• Evaluation of metareasoning systems
• Human metacognition and metamemory
• Integration of meta-level control and monitoring
• Learning agents and metareasoning
• Logical introspection and reflective logic programming
• Meta-cognitive architectures for social systems
• Meta-explanation and self-explanation
• Meta-level control in social systems
• Meta-level monitoring in social systems
• Multiagent coordinated metareasoning
• Representing meta-cognitive social laws
• Role of state abstraction in metareasoning
• Self-adaptive systems and autonomic computing
• Theoretical models of metareasoning

This two day workshop will include a number of short paper 
presentations, thematically organized discussion sessions, a break-out 
problem-solving session with discussion, and two speakers. We will also 
include panel discussions after each group of paper presentations so 
that the audience can ask follow up questions that compare and contrast 
the related positions.

Submission Procedure
The submission deadline is March 29, 2010. Submissions should not exceed 
8 pages in the AAAI style, either in PostScript or PDF format. They must 
be emailed to both chairs (anraja at uncc.edu and darsana at cs.umd.edu) by 
the deadline period. Short position statements are also accepted.

Organizing Committee
Co-chairs: Anita Raja (University of North Carolina at Charlotte) and 
Darsana Josyula (Bowie State University)

Program Committee
Michael L. Anderson, Franklin & Marshall College
Guido Boella, University of Torino
Michael Cox, DARPA
Ashok Goel, Georgia Tech
Sarit Kraus, Bar-Ilan University
Bob Laddaga, BBN
Victor Lesser, University of Massachusetts
Tim Oates, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Don Perlis, University of Maryland, College Park
Matthew Schmill, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Shlomo Zilberstein, University of Massachusetts


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