[agents] Deadline extension: CFP: Special issue on "Social Networks and Multiagent Systems" for Journal of Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory

Guido Boella guido at di.unito.it
Mon Aug 31 09:27:31 EDT 2009

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Journal of Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory

Special issue on "Social Networks and Multiagent Systems"
Editor-in-Chief: Kathleen M. Carley 
Guest Editors: Giulia Andrighetto, Guido Boella, Jaime Sichman, Harko Verhagen

http://www.di.unito.it/~guido/snamas.html <http://www.di.unito.it/%7Eguido/snamas.html>

One of the most interesting research topics in the field of multiagent systems is the definition of models with the aim of representing social structures such as organizations and coalitions, to control the emergent behavior of open systems. 
Organizations and coalitions are composed by individuals, related to each other by different possible kinds of relations such as dependencies on goals, conflicts on resources, similar beliefs and so on. One important issue is how to represent these relations. Moreover, like human organizations, these social structures are characterized also by an high degree of dynamism.
In dealing with societal issues, the multiagent systems field took inspiration mostly from organizational theory in economics and legal theory, while less attention is devoted to the research area describing the relations among the individuals inside human organizations and their dynamics: social network analysis. Social network analysis has emerged as a key technique in modern sociology, anthropology, social psychology, communication studies, information science, organizational studies, economics as well as a popular topic of study. Research in a number of academic fields has shown that social networks play a critical role in determining the way problems are solved, organizations  are run, and the degree to which individuals succeed in achieving their goals. 

Despite the common object of study, multiagent systems and social network analysis use concepts like agents, relationships, dependencies, and so on which often have only superficial similarities. The aim of this special issue is to underline the differences and the similarity points between social network analysis and multiagent systems in the representation of the social structures and their dynamics.
This special issue follows the first Symposium on Social Networks and Multiagent Systems (SNAMAS 2009) http://snamas.di.unito.it/, a first effort of meeting of interests between the two research areas. 

Particular topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
 - Emergent behaviour in multiagent systems and social networks analysis
 - Simulation of social systems
 - Learning evolution and adaptation in multiagent systems and social networks analysis
 - Artificial social systems
 - Societal aspects
 - Models of personality, emotions and social behaviour
 - Organizations in multiagent systems and social metworks

We welcome both theoretical work (formal models, representations, specifications, logics, verification) and implementation-oriented work 
(architectures, programming languages, design models, simulations, prototype systems) on these specific topics.

Authors are invited to submit original, previously unpublished, research papers written in English.
All papers will be reviewed by at least two independent specialists of the domains and in a double-blind process. 
To be fully considered for publication, all papers must be received by the due date and meet the style requirements given on page:
The paper length should be no more than 40 double-spaced pages (including tables, illustrations, notes, appendices, and references),.

Deadline for submission: October 10, 2009 (EXTENDED)

All papers should be submitted in electronic form to the website given below: 

For any question contact Guido Boella at guido at di.unito.it


Dipartimento di Informatica
Università di Torino
Cso Svizzera 185
10149 Torino

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email guido at di.unito.it
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