[agents] Deadline Extension - Adv. in Computer Simulation @ ACM SAC 2010

Giuseppe Vizzari giuseppe.vizzari at disco.unimib.it
Thu Sep 3 03:28:05 EDT 2009

Track: Advances in Computer Simulation (SIM)

The 25th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SIGAPP)
21 – 26 March 2010, Sierre, Switzerland

Fabien Michel (fmichel [ at > lirmm.f)
Giuseppe Vizzari (viz [at > disco.unimib.it)

Call For Papers

Scope and Aims

Computer simulation approaches have established as fundamental  
conceptual and practical instruments for the analysis of growingly  
complex systems, both for industry and business applications as well  
as in the scientific research context. Computational models and  
simulators are currently employed in the most different application  
areas, ranging from urban modeling and planning to logistics and  
production, from biology to social sciences. Consequently, the adopted  
modeling approaches and methodologies, as well as simulation project  
life-cycles, techniques for the evaluation and interpretation of  
simulation results are often very distant. Moreover, simulation  
projects are often intrinsically an interdisciplinar effort; this  
leads to potential issues and calls for specific methodological  

This track at ACM SAC aims to provide a forum for the discussion of  
results and relevant research advances on the topic of computer  
simulation, fostering thus interdisciplinary discussion and cross  
fertilization of the involved disciplines and application areas.  It  
is intended to facilitate the dissemination of theoretical advances in  
computer simulation, as well as a vehicle for discussions about  
methodologies, models, tools, in several application domains.

Content and Topics

The track will consider both reports on practical results of computer  
simulation experiences as well as recent research contributions.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

     * Computational models for simulation (e.g. discrete event  
       cellular automata, multi-agent systems, etc.)
     * Modeling and simulation methodologies
     * Simulation project life-cycle
     * Interdisciplinarity in simulation projects: issues, impact and  
     * Modeling and simulation languages, platforms and tools
     * Tools and methodologies for large-scale simulation
     * Case studies and applications in domains such as: simulation of  
       and social dynamics, military applications, industrial  
       manufacturing, supply chain management, virtual reality, swarm
       intelligence, ethological/ecological/biological modeling,  
       life, video games.

Important Dates

     * Sep. 15, 2009: Paper submissions ---> Deadline extended!!!
     * Oct. 19, 2009: Author notification
     * Nov.  2, 2009: Camera-Ready Copy

Submission Guidelines

Original and unpublished papers are solicited for this track. The file  
format should be either Post Script or PDF (PDF preferred). The  
author(s) name(s) and address(es) must not appear in the body of the  
paper, and self-reference should be in the third person. This is to  
facilitate blind review. Only the title should be shown at the first  
page without the author's information. Papers must be formatted  
according to the template which is available at the SAC 2009 website:


Paper size is limited to 5 pages according to the above mentioned  
template, being allowed a maximum of 3 extra pages at the additional  
cost of 80 USD per extra page. A few key words should be provided. A  
paper cannot be submitted to more than one track. Original manuscripts  
should be submitted in electronic format through the eCMS web site:


Some journals related to simulation as well as agent-based simulation  
and complex systems are being contacted regarding publication of  
extended versions of selected papers as post-proceedings.

Program Committee:

     * Ana Bazzan - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil
     * Grégory Beurier - IRD - France
     * Rafael Bordini  - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul -  
     * Paul Davidsson - Blekinge Institute of Technology - Sweden
     * Giovanna Di Marzo Seruguendo - University of London - UK
     * Alexis Drogoul - IRD - France
     * Jan Dijkstra - Eindhoven University of Technology - Netherlands
     * Raphaël Duboz - CIRAD -  Montpellier - France
     * Giorgio Fagiolo - Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies - Italy
     * Jacques Ferber - Université Montpellier II, CNRS - France
     * Abdelkader Gouaïch - Université Montpellier II - France
     * Salima Hassas - Université Claude Bernard-Lyon - France
     * Alexander Helleboogh - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven - Belgium
     * David Hill - ISIMA/LIMOS CNRS - France
     * Xiaolin Hu - Georgia State University - USA
     * Franziska Klügl - Örebro University - Sweden
     * Sara Manzoni - University of Milano-Bicocca - Italy
     * Akira Namatame - National Defense Academy of Japan - Japan
     * H. Van Dyke Parunak - NewVectors - USA
     * Andreas Pyka - University of Stuttgart-Hohenheim - Germany
     * Rosaldo Rossetti - University of Porto - Portugal
     * Andreas Schadschneider -  University of Cologne - Germany
     * Olivier Simonin - LORIA, Université de Nancy I, Nancy - France
     * Flavio Soares Correa Da Silva - University of São Paulo - Brazil
     * John Tranier - Utrecht University - Netherlands
     * Adelinde Uhrmacher - University of Rostock - Germany
     * Gabriel Wainer - Carleton University - Canada

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