[agents] CfP: Fundamenta Informaticae - Special Issue on Logics, Agents, and Mobility

Berndt Farwer berndt.farwer at durham.ac.uk
Wed Sep 2 09:36:19 EDT 2009

Apologies for multiple copies.

Fundamenta Informaticae
Special Issue on Logics, Agents, and Mobility

This special issue is related to the topics of the workshop LAM'09
<http://www.dur.ac.uk/lam.09>: Logics for Agents and Mobility, which  
place in Los Angeles, California, USA, on 10 August 2009. Both  
participants of
the workshop and other authors are invited to submit contributions.

The aim of the special issue is to collect research papers in the area  
logics and mobile systems, especially in the field of agents and multi- 
systems. Many notions used in the theory of agents are derived from  
and linguistics (belief, desire, intention, speech act, etc.), and
interdisciplinary discourse has proved fruitful for the advance of this
domain. On the other hand, the deployment of large-scale pervasive
infrastructures (mobile ad-hoc networks, mobile devices, RFIDs, etc.) is
becoming a reality. This raises a number of scientific and technological
challenges for the software modelling and programming models for such
large-scale, open and highly-dynamic distributed systems. The agent and
multi-agent systems approach seems particularly adapted to tackle this
challenge, but there are many issues remaining to be investigated. For
instance, the agents must be location-aware since the actual services
available to them may depend on their (physical or virtual) location.  
quality and quantity of resources at their disposal is also largely  
and the agents must be able to adapt to such highly dynamic  
Moreover, mobility itself raises a large number of difficult issues  
related to
safety and security, which require the ability to reason about the  
(e.g. for analysis or verification). The logics and type systems with  
or other kinds of modalities (relating to location, resource and/or
security-awareness) play a central role in the semantic  
characterisation and
then verification of properties about mobile agent systems. There are  
many open problems and research questions in the theory of such systems.

Areas of interest:
- logics and other formal methods for specification and reasoning about
   agents, MAS, and mobile systems
- the aspects of location and resource in logics
- security
- temporal logics and model checking
- type systems and static analysis
- logic programming
- ...

We encourage the submission of surveys and original articles  
(typically 15-25
pages; submission of longer papers will be evaluated depending on  
constraints) that present high-quality contributions and have not been
previously published or heave been simultaneously submitted for  
elsewhere. Extended versions of papers are acceptable if they  
represent a
significant additional contribution when compared to the original paper.

Submissions must comply with Fundamenta Informaticae's author  
guidelines. They
must be written in English and should be prepared in LaTeX using the  
FI style
that can be obtained from <http://fi.mimuw.edu.pl/fundam.zip>

Original articles should introduce the scientific contribution in  
succinct and
informal manner, including a brief statement of the importance of the  
related work, and originality of the approach.

Tutorials and surveys will be reviewed for

   * quality of presentation
   * fair/complete crediting of the contributions to the subject

and should contain

   * an introduction to the main problems/questions
   * some notes on motivation/importance
   * description of main ideas/algorithms/improvements that have driven
     research in the field
   * a list of important open problems
   * a complete bibliography.

Submissions to this special issue should be sent to:
lam.09 at durham.ac.uk

Submissions will be subject to the regular reviewing procedures of  

    * Submission of papers: 31 October 2009
    * Notification of acceptance/rejection: 19 December 2009
    * Final version: 14 February 2009

* Berndt Farwer (Durham University, UK)

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