[Lycia] Good News

Mr johnson johnsonjohn1010 at hotmail.com
Thu Feb 26 08:46:53 EST 2015

Swift Code: SCB/GH/IRD,
A/C #929/605/10456
Our Ref: SCB/IRD/CBX/021/14
Standard Chartered Bank (SCB)

>From the office of Johnson John
Regional Director, Standard Chartered Bank (PLC)
Accra Ghana.

This is to inform you that the $10m owned by the Government of Ghana to American,Asian and European contractors in recent years have risen in excess of 50% due to new arrears implementation.Henceforth,it have been agreed upon by board members that the said sum $10m is been transferred to the account of legitimate beneficiaries whom can be reached as soon as possible by email,telephone e.t.c.

In other words you can benefit 30% of the sum $10m if a mutual and sustainable agreement is reached with you.no risk,no traveling is involved.just a change in ownership to your name and get all the transfer documents No travel is required and if you like i can instruct the bank to send you an ATM CARD as soon as the change of ownership is done in

your name. followed by immediate wire transfer of fund to your existing bank account.indicates your willingness by sending your information as.Transfer MUST be done as soon as you are capable/TRUSTED to RECEIVE the Fund also it is risk free and i will share the Funds with you (USD$10,000,000.00)

70/30, you will be taking 30% of the total sum(USD$10,000,000.00) and 70% will be for me. I will forward an account where my share will be further transferred into,

when the money reaches your bank account. At the moment I can only give information that are reasonably able to assist the transaction without jeopardizing my person work or this transaction.

Please send detail information as below...,

1 Your Full Names.
2,Your Cell telephone Number..
6,Marital Status.........
7,House Address...........
8,Scan copy of your passport..

You can email now to indicate your wiliness johnsonjohn1029 at hotmail.com Thanking you in advance for a mutual and fruitful Business association.

Mr.Johnson John
Regional Director,
Standard Chartered Bank (SCB)

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