[Csmatters] ECEP call notes - community colleges, BPC, and what's up.

Dianne O'Grady-Cunniff mrsdianneoc at gmail.com
Tue Apr 24 17:31:07 EDT 2018

ECEP meeting notes:
Presentation on community colleges (CC) Cheryl

cheryl.calhoun at sfcollege.edu
 and Melanie melanie.williamson at kctcs.edu

Articulation agreements between HS/ CC/ and public/private universities are
very different around the country. They just had a workshop to dig into the
CC connection for CS.

ACM guidelines for transfer https://ccecc.acm.org/

schools that say they will offer CSP

transfer pathways

btw, at the summit last week there was great frustration on the part of the
CCs that when students take a 2 year associates program in CS or cyber they
still need to do 3 years at a university to complete a degree because of
the number of major courses that don't count or transfer.
Rick: BPC funding.
NSF might be doing more on this. CISE including PBC into all proposals.

Damage can be done by people who are not knowledgable in BPC.

Jan and NSF have more money than anticipated. (to be spent by the middle of
June) What could ECEP do for BPC?

NCWIT and TRA(?) are building a website. Carol suggests building an asset
map, each state create a list of resources/ BPC activities. Tom suggested
using a new accountability system CEOSE,

Do something in early spring like they did for people applying for the RPP
for potential PIs for grants that focus on broadening participation.

6 page application due by June for supplements or EAGER grants. Funded with
her review only. $100-$300K activities that will flip over once the
requirement comes out. Jan will give feedback on sketches of ideas. With
the required prior results, etc. it is a very short proposal. But it has to
be something that Jan wants to do. Rick suggests floating an idea and then
going from there. How much is it helping PIs with BPC on existing
proposals, and how much to do other things. She's looking for things that
can be "plugged in" to other projects. Capacity building institutes,
training for PIs was not something NSF wanted to do. Need to get the first
grant in place in order to get a supplement.

Sarah Dunton will plan a meeting to discuss with a shared document ideas
for a collaborative project.

Videos coming together. http://stemforall2018.videohall.com/

SC standards are out for public review. They'd appreciate comments.

Chris Stevenson was the keynote at the Western NC summit. Looking to
replicate the model in E

Carol got a NSA gen cyber grant for teachers. Room for 23, already have 40+

TX does a UTeach 3 day session in June, over 100 presentations mostly
teacher to teacher. We are all invited.

MA is doing a CS/ education department using learning sciences ... the talk
will be recorded.

Dianne O'Grady-Cunniff
Acting Director, Maryland Center for Computing Education
CS Matters in Maryland
VP Maryland Computer Science Teachers' Association
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