[Csmatters] STEM connector webinar on CS in STEM notes from today

Dianne O'Grady-Cunniff mrsdianneoc at gmail.com
Wed Aug 9 12:05:28 EDT 2017

I put the notes from today's STEM connector webinar in our notes folder,
but there's probably no need to read them. STEM talks about STEM as if
naturally includes CS, only Ruthe Farmer seems to get that it usually
doesn't. They talk about teachers seeking their own funding. That drives me
crazy. Here are the interesting points from today's conversation imho:

   - Ruthe Farmer pointed out that CS is missing from STEM.
   - Tata consulting supports a couple of programs that sound interesting
      - GoIT reaches over 13,000 middle and high school students
      - Ignite My Future in schools should engage over a million students
      over the next 5 years. they include training materials for
schools and plan
      to align with the CS framework, they'll provide 30-40 example
lesson plans
      to integrate CS with other subjects
   - Because of the huge growth in CS education in Arkansas

      It's bringing industry to them now that their program is in motion

      AR offers a state stipend for CS teachers. Up to $2K per
teacher. Specific
      details can be found on ADE's Commissioner memo COM-17-054

Dianne O'Grady-Cunniff, CS Matters in Maryland
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