[Csmatters] Meeting??

Marie desJardins mariedj at umbc.edu
Tue Aug 1 20:37:24 EDT 2017

I just now noticed that there is a meeting on the CS Matters calendar for
tomorrow night. I am not sure whether this was on anyone's radar. I have a
lot going on this week (big surprise) and would prefer not to meet - but
can if we need to. I know that Dianne was talking to Megean about next
steps for the PD curriculum, and possibly meeting this Friday.

Let me know if you think we should meet tomorrow; otherwise, let's plan to
schedule a team meeting in a couple of weeks to touch base and figure out
our medium term plan. I still haven't heard anything from NSF about our
outstanding proposals.


P.S. If you get a chance, check out the recordings from tonight's NBC
Nightly News - I had a very short (maybe 20 second) snippet in the story on
microchipping. (Spending most of the afternoon going down to the NBC studio
for taping is much of what's eaten up my availability this week, along with
personnel issues, a search I'm chairing, student meetings... I need a
vacation! Oh, wait, I have one next week!! :-)

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