[CSEE Talk] talk: Automated Privacy Policy Compliance, 11:30 Mon 3/7, ITE325b UMBC

Tim Finin finin at cs.umbc.edu
Thu Mar 3 15:52:40 EST 2016

            Computer Science and Electrical Engineering


               Dr. Omar Chowdhury, Purdue University

            11:30am Monday, 7 March 2016, ITE325b, UMBC

Privacy regulations often govern data sharing and data use
practices of organizations that collect personally identifiable
information from their clients. For instance, in the US,
healthcare organizations must comply with the federally mandated
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
(HIPAA). Monetary penalties for non-compliance are high. The
current practice of manual auditing for privacy violation is
error-prone, cumbersome, and it does not scale well. It is thus
crucial for the research community to develop automated tools and
techniques to aid organizations in checking privacy policy

Within this context, I will first present encryption schemes that
enable an organization to outsource the storage of audit logs and
the computation of compliance checking to an untrusted cloud
without completely giving up on privacy. Next, I will present an
efficient compliance checker called précis, which leverages
techniques from runtime verification and logic programming. Finally,
I will conclude with a discussion of some remaining obstacles to
practical deployment.

Omar Chowdhury is a Post-Doctoral Research Associate in the
Department of Computer Science at Purdue University. Before
joining Purdue, he was a Post-Doctoral Research Associate in
Cylab at Carnegie Mellon University. He received his Ph.D. in
Computer Science from the University of Texas at San Antonio. His
research interest broadly lies in investigating practically
relevant problems of Computer Security and Privacy. His current
research focuses on leveraging formal verification and program
analysis techniques to check compliance of a system
implementation, against well-defined policies and properties.  He
won the best paper award at the ACM SACMAT'2012. He has also
served as a program committee member of ACM SACMAT and ACM CCS.

host: Tim Finin, finin at umbc.edu

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