[CSEE Talk] talk: Seymour on Quantum Computing and Cybersecurity, Noon Fri. 10/4, ITE228

Tim Finin finin at cs.umbc.edu
Thu Oct 3 09:56:23 EDT 2013

        UMBC Center for Information Security and Assurance

	       Quantum Computing and Cybersecurity

			  John Seymour

		Noon-1:00 Friday, 4 October 2013
	      Cyber Defense Lab, room 228 ITE, UMBC

This talk will be a brief introduction to the topic of quantum
computing for the computer scientist interested in cybersecurity.
It will begin with a light summary of the fundamental quantum
algorithms and move to discuss the recent advances in quantum
computing, including the D-Wave quantum optimizer, University of
Bristol's new quantum chip, quantum programming languages, and
more.  Finally, it will introduce some current research questions
and projects residing in the intersection of quantum computing
and cybersecurity.

John Seymour is a Ph.D. student in the UMBC computer science
graduate program.  As a UMBC undergraduate, he was a triple major
in Computer Science, Mathematics and Philosophy.  He is currently
working on three research projects: evaluation of a detection
protocol for Man-in-the-Middle attacks, a web-based game for
teaching students basic concepts of Internet security, and
integration of social media with Internet voting to facilitate
collaborative decision making.

Host: Prof. Alan Sherman, sherman at umbc.edu

  -- more information and directions: http://bit.ly/UMBCtalks --

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