[CSEE-colloq] talk: Wolff Local Thresholding for Structured and Unstructured Graphs, 2pm Fri 9/28

Tim Finin finin at cs.umbc.edu
Thu Sep 20 15:26:00 EDT 2012

                          UMBC CSEE Colloquium

       Local Thresholding for Structured and Unstructured Graphs

                Dr. Ran Wolff, Haifa University, Israel

               2:00pm Friday, 28 September 2012, ITE 325B
                    ** NOTE UNUSUAL TIME AND ROOM **

Local thresholding algorithms were first offered a decade ago as a
communication thrifty alternative for computation in large distributed
environments. Their disadvantage, however, has always been in their
brittleness. A single cycle in the communication graph could mean the
algorithm converges to the wrong value. This talk describes two
advances in local thresholding algorithms which overcome the demand
for cycle freedom. The first is a local tree induction protocol for
structured peer-to-peer networks which seamlessly integrates with the
local thresholding algorithm. The second are new local stopping and
update rules which permit execution of the local thresholding
algorithm on general graphs. The first solution vastly outperforms a
gossip based algorithm on simple computation tasks in a Chord-like
peer-to-peer network. The second may transform the way data is
processed in wireless sensor networks, where gossip is mostly
considered impermissibly costly.

UMBC Host: Hillol Kargupta, hillol at cs.umbc.edu

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