[CSEE-colloq] talk: Oates on Machine Learning, 11:45am Wed 10/24, ITE239

Tim Finin finin at cs.umbc.edu
Mon Oct 22 17:01:00 EDT 2012

                   UMBC ACM Student Chapter Tech Talk

         Machine Learning and How it Impacts You in Daily Life

                          Professor Tim Oates
                University of Maryland, Baltimore County

               11:45am Wednesday 24 October 2012, ITE 239

Facebook has one billion users, there are more than 400 million tweets
per day, and Google is approaching 5 billion searches per day.  These
companies and many of their brick and mortar counterparts are
increasingly interested in what their data can tell them, and are
hiring data scientists - people with a background in machine learning
or data mining - at an astounding rate.  In this talk I will briefly
introduce the core concepts of machine learning, and describe some of
its most interesting successes and some of the more mundane (though
perhaps surprising) ways it impacts your life on a daily basis.
Finally, I will conclude with a short overview of some successes of
machine learning in my own lab, including producing textual
descriptions of people in triage images involved in mass disasters,
extracting scripts (stereotypical actions sequences) from massive text
corpora, and predicting outcomes for victims of traumatic brain injury
using vital signs time series.

                           light refreshments
          RSVP via http://facebook.com/events/371223676300061

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