[CSEE-colloq] talk: Experiences Teaching Thousands Online, 1pm Fri 10/26, ITE227 UMBC

Tim Finin finin at cs.umbc.edu
Thu Oct 11 23:48:48 EDT 2012

                            CSEE Colloquium

                 Experiences Teaching Thousands Online

                      Professor Michael L. Littman
                   Computer Science, Brown University

             1:00pm Friday, 26 October 2012, ITE 227, UMBC

Last Fall, a pair of well-respected computer scientists at Stanford
offered their AI class for free to people everywhere via the Internet.
Over 160,000 students signed up, spurring a worldwide conversation on
the impact of online teaching on higher education and sending
universities throughout the US scrambling to announce initiatives in
this space.  I had the good fortune to teach a class for one of the
startups and will share my experiences.

Michael L. Littman is a professor of computer scientist at Brown
University. He works mainly in reinforcement learning, but has done
work in machine learning, game theory, computer networking, partially
observable Markov decision process solving, computer solving of
analogy problems and other areas.  He has held faculty positions in
the computer science departments at Duke University and Rutgers
University, where he chaired the department from 2009 to 2012.

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