[Coral_current] Research positions in machine learning and robotics (world models & collective behavior) (fwd)

Tim Oates oates at cs.umbc.edu
Thu Feb 9 14:24:56 EST 2023

Tim Oates, Professor
Department of CS and EE
University of Maryland Baltimore County
(410) 455-3082

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 09 Feb 2023 19:34:56 +0100
From: Stefano Nolfi <beh.cog.robotics at gmail.com>
To: stefano.nolfi at cnr.it
Subject: Research positions in machine learning and robotics (world models &
     collective behavior)

PostDoc and PhD research positions are available at the Institute of
Cognitive Sciences and Technologies (ISTC) of the Italian National Research
Council in Roma, Italy to work on the following topics: 


1. Grounded world models: Devising novel intelligent architectures combining
latent learning (realized through self-supervised learning methods), and
trial-and-error learning (realized through reinforcement or evolutionary
learning algorithms). Creating agents able to acquire common sense knowledge
through observation and anticipation and to use such knowledge to support
the acquisition of functional skills.


2. Self-organization and learning in collective system: Devising machine
learning methods suitable for the synthesis of collective behavior and
capable to: (i) synthesize useful properties emerging from the interaction
among individuals, and/or (ii) cope with the instabilities caused by the
concurrent modification of multiple interacting individuals, and/or (iii)
handle the problems caused by conflict of interests and by the need to
assign credit at the level of the individuals.


Requirements: (i) knowledge and possibly experience with reinforcement
learning or evolutionary algorithms and supervised learning algorithms, (ii)
experience with the Python programming language


Salary: 1200/2200 Euro/Month


Who we are: The Institute for Cognitive Sciences and Technologies of the
National Research Council (CNR-ISTC) is an interdisciplinary research
Institute that carry on research in Adaptive Behavior & Artificial Life,
Neuro-Robotics, Swarm Intelligence & Social Simulations, Machine Learning,
Active Inference and Cognitive Science. 


Contact: For more information and to apply please contact Stefano
Nolfi: stefano.nolfi at cnr.it 


Stefano Nolfi
Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR-ISTC)
Via S. Martino della Battaglia 44, 00185, Roma, Italy
voice:++39 06 4459 5233
stefano.nolfi at istc.cnr.it



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