[Coral_current] Monday

Tim Oates oates at cs.umbc.edu
Sun Sep 25 13:50:36 EDT 2022

My covid is better!  But that means that Beth and I are going ahead with
plans to be in Philadelphia for a concert tonight and I won't be on campus

Given how much I've been out, I'm going to have "office hours" after class
on Tuesday.  Starting at 4pm I'll be in my office if anyone wants to meet,
either online or in person.  I'll stay as long as needed to meet with
everyone who wants to meet.

I'm also very sensitive to the fact that you may not be comfortable meeting
with me in person, so I'm very happy to meet online, or go to a conference
room where we can be far apart and wear masks, etc.

If you think you'd like to meet, let me know.

  - tim

Tim Oates, Professor
Department of CS and EE
University of Maryland Baltimore County
(410) 455-3082

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