[Coral_current] small success

Tim Oates oates at cs.umbc.edu
Fri Jun 17 09:01:24 EDT 2022

I just got word that the proposal based on using HRRs and reinforcement
learning for teaming was funded.  It's not a lot of money and it will be
split between CORAL and Prof. Mohsenin's lab, but it is definitely a step
in the right direction!

What happens now is the funding agency and UMBC enter into contract
negotiations, which means that UMBC reviews the contract to ensure it does
not, for example, contain restrictions on publication rights, etc.  At some
point the contract will be signed and an account at UMBC will be set up for
the money and then we can start spending it.

Let's keep up the momentum and get more white papers and proposals out like
this one.  Good and interesting ideas presented clearly and in an engaging
manner tend to get funded, like this one was.

  - tim

Tim Oates, Professor
Department of CS and EE
University of Maryland Baltimore County
(410) 455-3082

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