[Coral_current] funding help

Tim Oates oates at cs.umbc.edu
Thu Jun 9 10:38:14 EDT 2022

I'm going to write a white paper on massive multi-agent systems over the
next couple of days.  The relevant folder is here:


Can I get a couple of volunteers to look for related work on:

   - Multi-agent systems with very large numbers of agents
   - MAS with deep hierarchies (as opposed to simple flat teams)
   - MAS in the context of RL

If you can find papers that are relevant and put the title and abstract and
a link in the related work document in the folder above that would be
really helpful.  I don't need everyone to do this, but if a couple of
people could volunteer to help that would ensure the white paper is of
higher quality and gets done faster.

  - tim

Tim Oates, Professor
Department of CS and EE
University of Maryland Baltimore County
(410) 455-3082

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