[Coral_current] Opportunity at Optimal Solutions Group - Data Scientist Intern (fwd)

Tim Oates oates at cs.umbc.edu
Thu Feb 10 11:30:16 EST 2022


I've worked with the folks at Optimal on an SBIR and it is a good team.

   - tim

Tim Oates, Professor
Department of CS and EE
University of Maryland Baltimore County
(410) 455-3082

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2022 11:25:41 -0500
From: Maria Medrano <mmedrano at optimalsolutionsgroup.com>
To: oates at cs.umbc.edu
Cc: 'Mark Turner' <mturner at optimalsolutionsgroup.com>,
     'Sadaf Asrar' <sasrar at optimalsolutionsgroup.com>,
     'Human Resources' <hr at optimalsolutionsgroup.com>
Subject: Opportunity at Optimal Solutions Group - Data Scientist Intern

Optimal Solutions Group is excited to announce that we are looking for a
Data Scientist Intern to work with our team.

General Description:

  *  Support data scientists, researchers and software developers on projects
     bridging the gap between research and analytics.
  *  Assist in the development of streamlined protocols to systematize
  *  Aid to develop schema, business rules and configuration testing
  *  Support efforts with systems management to capture information that can
     be used for quantitative analysis.
  *  Support the development of standardized protocols to manipulate
     information captured in a fixed format to usable data, using
     non-traditional data sources like scraping data from social media,
     mining data from natural language texts, as well as vectorizing images
     to create analytical dataset to inform policy decisions.

Knowledge with the use of machine learning techniques and algorithms, such
as k-NN, Naive Bayes, SVM, Decision Forests, and deep learning networks such
as multi-layer perceptron, convolution network, and long-short term memory
under neural networks.

Work experience and job skills requirements:

  *  Knowledge using data science toolkits, such as R, Weka, NumPy, MatLab,
     Python, Panda and neural network frameworks such as Torch, Keras, Caf?,
     and Tensorfow.
  *  Knowledge using data visualization tools, such as D3.js, GGplot, PlotLy,
     and Tableau.
  *  Requirements gathering experience in developing schema, business rules,
     and test protocols.
  *  Knowledge conducting tests for configuring and developing integrated
     data systems.
  *  Experience working with query languages such as SQL.
  *  Knowledge of statistics and research methods and experience developing
     regression models.
  *  Experience developing technical documentation for datasets, code, and
     data products.
  *  Excellent verbal and written communication skills.

If you know someone who you think would be an excellent fit for this role,
please forward this email and/or email to careers at optimalsolutionsgroup.com
with Data Scientist Intern in the subject line with their details and

Thank you!

Maria G. Medrano

Human Resources Manager

Optimal Solutions Group

University of Maryland Discovery District

5825 University Research Court, Suite 1100

College Park, MD 20740

Tel: 301-306-1170

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