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</style></head><body><p>Dear All</p>
<p>You are invited to submit to the SCM league. One of the official tracks of ANAC 2021 running as part of IJCAI competitions:</p>
<p>You can find all details about the competition at: <a href="https://scml.cs.brown.edu/">https://scml.cs.brown.edu</a>.</p>
<p><strong>Important Request 🙏🙏🙏: If you are considering submission to the competition, please upload an early version of your agent to the online
competition website AS SOON AS POSSIBLE (hopefully before May 30th).</strong> This
will be of tremendous help for us (by estimating the computational capacity we
need) and yourself (by providing you with feedback about any issues in your
agent as early as possible). <em>From our past experience, early and repeated
submissions to the <a href="https://scml.cs.brown.edu">online competition website</a>
helps tremendously in finding bugs that you many not notice otherwise</em>.</p>
<p>Here are some of the news related to the competition:</p>
<li><p>🖥️ We published a new tool called <code>SCML-VIS</code> for visualizing world simulations
and tournaments. The <a href="https://www.github.com/yasserfarouk/scml-vis">tool</a>
is developed as an open-source project on GitHub. You can watch a
walk-through at <a href="https://youtu.be/BCDjnnSmIsk">Youtube</a>. We are open to
pull-requests. Check the <a href="https://github.com/yasserfarouk/scml-vis/blob/main/README.md">README</a>
for ideas.</p></li>
<li><p>⚖️ We changed the way final scores are calculated for agents from using the
<strong>median</strong> to using <strong>truncated mean</strong>. This is intended to balance the
efficiency (i.e. using as many scores as possible in the final score) and
robustness (i.e. insensitivity to outliers). Please check the <code>mechanics</code>
section of the game description document for details.</p></li>
<li><p>🔁 An updated version of the game description is now available online. There
are no changes in the competition rules (other then the evaluation criterion
mentioned above ). The updated version provides
clearer exposition and improved presentation. You now can access this updated version for
all tracks:</p>
<li><strong>OneShot</strong>: <a href="http://www.yasserm.com/scml/scml2021oneshot.pdf">full description</a></li>
<li><strong>Standard</strong>: <a href="http://www.yasserm.com/scml/scml2021.pdf">full description</a></li>
<li><strong>Collusion</strong>: <a href="http://www.yasserm.com/scml/scml2021.pdf">full description</a></li>
<li><p>🔁 Newer versions of SCML (<a href="https://pypi.org/project/scml/">0.4.2</a>) and
NegMAS (<a href="https://pypi.org/project/negmas/">0.8.2</a>) have been published with
bug fixes and other improvements. Please upgrade your development
environment. If you are using pip, this is as simple as running <code>pip install -U negmas scml</code></p></li>
<li><p>🔁 The tutorials were updated to provide even more examples of developing
agents for
<a href="http://www.yasserm.com/scml/scml2020docs/tutorials/02.develop_agent_scml2020_oneshot.html">OneShot</a> and <a href="http://www.yasserm.com/scml/scml2020docs/tutorials/03.develop_agent_scml2020.html">Standard</a> tracks.</p></li>
<li>🤼 Our community is growing 📈:
<li><strong>21</strong> new registrations on <a href="https://scml.cs.brown.edu">the official website</a>.</li>
<li><strong>15</strong> new questions/discussions on the <a href="https://github.com/yasserfarouk/scml/discussions">SCML Discussion
Boards</a>. If you have any
questions or ideas, consider sharing them there.</li>
<li>Yasser is publishing a series of blog posts about SCML. You may find them
useful. Two posts are already published:
<li><a href="https://yasserfarouk.medium.com/automated-netotiation-can-it-be-the-next-big-thing-b4840ea0f407">Automated Negotiation: Can it be the next big thing?</a></li>
<li><a href="https://yasserfarouk.medium.com/scml-negotiate-your-way-to-fornute-f99849408e66">SCML: Negotiate Your Way to Fortune</a></li>
<p><strong>Important Request (Intentional Repeat 😊 ): Please upload an early version of your agent to the online
competition website AS SOON AS POSSIBLE (hopefully before May 30th).</strong> This
will be of tremendous help for us (by estimating the computational capacity we
need) and yourself (by providing you with feedback about any issues in your
agent as early as possible).</p>
<p><em>On Behalf of the SCML Organizing Committee</em></p>