[agents] Final Deadline Extension: The 29th International Workshop on Coordination, Organizations, Institutions, Norms and Ethics for Governance of Multi-Agent Systems (COINE) @AAMAS 2025

Sz-Ting Tzeng sz-ting.tzeng at umu.se
Tue Feb 11 15:26:23 EST 2025

== Call for Papers ==
We invite you to submit your work to a full-day Workshop on Coordination, Organizations, Institutions, Norms, and Ethics for Governance of Multi-Agent Systems (COINE), which will be held as part of AAMAS 2025 in Detroit, MI, USA.

== Important Dates ==
Paper submission: *February 22, 2025*
Author notifications: March 10, 2025
Camera-ready deadline: March 30, 2025
Workshop date: May 20, 2025

== Overview ==
The growing pervasiveness of “open systems” raises a range of challenges and opportunities for developing technologies in the area of autonomous agents and multi-agent systems (MAS). In open MAS, artificial and human autonomous agents, their modes of interaction and the pursued goal of the system may change over time. The view of coordination and control has to be expanded to consider not only an agent-centric perspective but societal and organization-centric views as well. Moreover, in the case of open multi-agent systems, the autonomy of the agents can work against the effectiveness of the system and the society. There is therefore a need for tools and techniques for articulating interactions in order to make MAS more effective in attaining collective goals, aligning agent behaviors with shared human values, and more trustworthy, predictable and understandable for humans.

Coordination, organizations, institutions, norms and ethics are five key governance elements for the regulation of open multi-agent systems. The goal of the COINE workshop is to bring together researchers in autonomous agents and multi-agent systems working on the scientific and technological aspects of social coordination, organizational theory, normative MAS, artificial or electronic institutions, and agents aware of norms, policies, and ethics.

We invite submissions that address any of the following aspects:
    - Mathematical, logical, computational, philosophical, legal, and pragmatic issues related to the issues above
    - Modeling, animation and simulation techniques for open MAS
    - Tools, prototypes and actual working systems
    - Topics investigating the relationship between COINE and the rapidly
    evolving AI landscape (e.g., including LLMs and Generative AI)
    - Topics exploring the value-aligned problems within MAS in the COINE domain
    - Experimental investigation of the effectiveness of COINE technologies
    - Challenging or innovative ideas relevant to the field

== Submission Guidelines ==
We solicit three types of papers in the LNCS format (https://www.springer.com/gp/computer-science/lncs/conference-proceedings-guidelines):
    - Full research papers (16 pages)
    - Short research papers (10 pages) – These 'early-innovation' papers are work-in-progress papers and these will be reviewed with an emphasis on novelty/originality of the idea.
    - Blue sky ideas (up to 16 pages) – These papers have the same scope of the blue sky ideas track of AAMAS 2025 (see https://aamas2025.org/index.php/conference/calls/call-for-blue-sky-ideas/), focusing on the COINE topics

For more information, please access the website: https://coin-workshop.github.io/coine-2025-detroit/

== Organizing Committee ==
Jaime Simão Sichman - University of São Paulo, Brazil
Davide Dell'Anna - Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Sz-Ting (Christine) Tzeng - Umeå University, Sweden
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