[agents] [CFP] AAAI 2025 Bridge on Explainable AI, Energy and Critical Infrastructure Systems

Leofante, Francesco f.leofante at imperial.ac.uk
Mon Oct 28 07:06:57 EDT 2024

AAAI 2025 Bridge on Explainable AI, Energy and Critical Infrastructure Systems

The 39th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence

 Description of Bridge and topics

The goal of this bridge will be to bring together researchers, practitioners from industry and policymakers
to share technical advances and insights on applications and challenges for the application of (X)AI in
energy and critical infrastructure systems. The target audience is AI researchers that are actively working
on the use of AI and XAI in energy and critical infrastructure systems, as well as researchers in energy
and critical infrastructure systems that would like to explore the potential benefits of applying AI and XAI
to these domains. Other stakeholders, including policymakers and regulators interested in AI are also
welcome to join.

Important dates

Submission deadline: November 25th, 2024
Notifications due: December 9th, 2024
Bridge date: TBD (either February 25th or 26th, 2025)


Submission Site Information: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=xaieci2025

Bridge website: https://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~fleofant/aaai25-xai-eci/index.html

Format of Bridge

This 1-day bridge will include invited talks, panels and tutorials covering a wide range of topics at the
intersection of XAI, Energy and Critical Infrastructure Systems. This bridge will also include networking
sessions and mentoring opportunities for students.

Submission requirements

This Bridge accepts submissions to a variety of Tracks, which are described in the Bridge website<https://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~fleofant/aaai25-xai-eci/index.html>. Our aim
is to maximise opportunities and options for contributing to this Bridge and the Bridge community.
Submissions to multiple Tracks are allowed.

Submissions need to discuss interactions between XAI, Energy and Critical Infrastructure systems in some
fashion. All submissions should keep in mind that Bridge attendees are not necessarily experts in both
fields. Presentations should try to bridge potential gaps, and welcome questions and discussion.

Submissions should be prepared using the AAAI 2025 template available here<https://aaai.org/authorkit25/>. Submissions should specify
the Track they are submitted to, contain the names, affiliations and contact emails of the authors, and
indicate which authors would be expected to attend the Bridge.

The full list of Track options is available at the bridge website<https://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~fleofant/aaai25-xai-eci/index.html> along with full submission requirements and
instructions and other important information. Submissions will be through EasyChair<https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=xaieci2025>. The deadline for
submitting to this bridge is November 25th, 2024. All accepted contributions must be presented in person.
All participants, whether they have an accepted contribution or not, will be required to register to AAAI 2025
using the Bridge, Tutorial and Lab only registration.

All accepted submissions will be posted on this website. If a submission is accepted for physical presentation,
authors will then be expected to provide any slides used in the presentation for inclusion in the Bridge
website as well.

Organising team

Bridge Chair:

Francesco Leofante<https://fraleo.github.io/>, Imperial College London, f.leofante at imperial.ac.uk<mailto:f.leofante at imperial.ac.uk>

Bridge Committee:

Francesco Leofante<https://fraleo.github.io/>, Imperial College London, f.leofante at imperial.ac.uk<mailto:f.leofante at imperial.ac.uk>
André Artelt<https://andreartelt.github.io/>, Bielefeld University, aartelt at techfak.uni-bielefeld.de<mailto:aartelt at techfak.uni-bielefeld.de>
Demetrios Eliades<https://www.kios.ucy.ac.cy/eliades/>, University of Cyprus, eliades.demetrios at ucy.ac.cy<mailto:eliades.demetrios at ucy.ac.cy>
Anna Korre<https://profiles.imperial.ac.uk/a.korre>, Imperial College London, a.korre at imperial.ac.uk<mailto:a.korre at imperial.ac.uk>
Tim Miller<https://uqtmiller.github.io/>, The University of Queensland, timothy.miller at uq.edu.au<mailto:timothy.miller at uq.edu.au>
Francesca Toni<https://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~ft/>, Imperial College London, f.toni at imperial.ac.uk<mailto:f.toni at imperial.ac.uk>

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