[agents] International Summer School on Advances in Artificial Intelligence, September 23-27, Como (Italy): Call for Participation

Viviana Mascardi viviana.mascardi at unige.it
Thu Aug 29 09:29:13 EDT 2024

Dear colleagues, I am happy to share the call for participation to this 
outstanding summer school. The program is very interesting and on 
September 24th it will feature Federico Bergenti ("Agents and MAS: 
Introduction to Agent-Oriented Software Engineering, Non-BDI 
languages/frameworks"); Jomi F. Hübner ("BDI-language/frameworks: Jason, 
JaCaMo and Extensions of BDI-frameworks"); Daniela Briola ("Other MAS 
frameworks, ABMS and Applications").

Please consider to attend/to send your PhD students. Also, the Como lake 
is wonderful in September!

Best regards,

Viviana Mascardi

Lake Como School of Advanced Studies, COMO (ITALY), September 23 – 27,


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming a core research and application 
area, pervading many fields of knowledge and offering new perspectives 
in the computational landscape of the future. The main purpose of this 
Summer School “Advances in Artificial Intelligence” is to gather 
scholars, researchers and PhD students to learn and explore the main 
advanced topics offered by AI with a wide look towards new perspectives 
coming by innovative technological scenarios.

This Summer School is organized by the Italian Association for 
Artificial Intelligence - AIxIA (https://aixia.it 

The structure of the School comprises six main sessions, designed by the 
respective Working Groups of AIxIA:


    AI&ML - Artificial Intelligence and  Machine Learning


    KRR - Knowledge Representation


    MAS - Multi-agent Systems


    AIxHealth - Artificial Intelligence and Healthcare


    AIxAS - Artificial Intelligence for an Ageing Society


    NLP - Natural Language Processing

The organization of the School includes presentations, discussions and 
contributions, and proposes research challenges and open issues, as well 
as concrete case studies related to research and application projects.

Participants will be asked to actively contribute in the discussions and 
PhD students will be required to develop a final project proposing a 
novel integrated research or application proposal exploiting the 
knowledge and information acquired throughout the courses. The 
participants will earn the certification for the attendance and the 
result of the final evaluation by the University of Milano-Bicocca

The Summer School is organized by the Italian Association for Artificial 
Intelligence (https://aixia.it 
<https://urlsand.esvalabs.com/?u=https%3A%2F%2Faixia.it%2F&e=ed7a584b&h=2711d598&f=y&p=y>) andthe 
University of Milano-Bicocca, and received the patronage of: CINI 
National Lab “Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems” 
(Milano-Bicocca NODE - 
and the Association of Italian Researchers in Japan (AIRJ - 


Gianluigi Greco

Department of Mathrmatics and Computer Science (University of Calabria)

Stefania Bandini

Department of Informatics, Systems and Communications (University of 

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