[agents] [XRIA24 at ECAI24] eXtended Reality & Intelligent Agents Workshop, DL extended to June 15
Viviana Mascardi
viviana.mascardi at unige.it
Fri May 24 13:27:33 EDT 2024
[Apologies for cross and multiple postings]
XRIA24: First Workshop on "eXtended Reality & Intelligent Agents"
Co-located with ECAI2024
Santiago de Compostela, Spain, October 20, 2024
Conference website: https://sites.google.com/view/xria2024/home-page
Submission deadline : June 15, 2024 (EXTENDED)
The recent advent of the Metaverse, the market expansion of the game
industry, the growing success of virtual and augmented reality in
research, training, education, and rehabilitation, the need for
realistic simulations of complex scenarios, all show that the
non-physical reality where people may meet, play, learn, is becoming
more and more important in our daily lives. To make the non-physical
reality environments/experience engaging, entertaining, and useful for
simulation and training purposes, it should be populated by virtual
humans (characters animated by the system) that, in many cases, should
interact with avatars (characters acting as representatives or proxies
of humans) in a believable, smooth, and rewarding way. Virtual humans
are named differently depending on the context: non-player characters in
the game context, AI avatars in the metaverse, etc. Whatever the name,
in order to be realistic and to reach the goal for which they were
designed, they should be autonomous, reactive, and social, and they
should exhibit intelligent behavior. In other words, they should be
intelligent software agents.
The purpose of the eXtended Reality & Intelligent Agents workshop, at
its first edition this year, is to bring together researchers,
engineers, and practitioners interested in exploring the role of
intelligent agents in eXtended Reality (XR, that is, virtual, augmented,
and mixed reality), and vice versa, embracing a multidisciplinary
perspective. The workshop welcomes papers that propose architectures,
methodologies, and tools for integrating intelligent agents and XR
systems, as well as already developed case studies and technologies, and
more visionary proposals.
== Submission Guidelines, Proceedings and Special Issue ==
The workshop welcomes contributions that would allow us to solicit the
discussion and brainstorming about any relevant aspect related to
intelligent agents and multi-agent systems and Extended Reality.
The workshop will exploit the “Review Transfer Option” offered by ECAI:
furthermore, authors of rejected papers can directly submit their work,
if in line with the XRIA topics (see Important Dates later on, Second
round of submissions).
= We plan to not have formal proceedings but to publish accepted papers
on the workshop website = (or linking them from arxiv or any other
archival repository, as preferred by the authors).
Some days after the acceptance, selected accepted papers will be invited
to submit an extension of the workshop paper to a Special Issue on SN
Computer Science (https://link.springer.com/journal/42979). Specific
dates for the SI will be provided soon, but an indicative date for the
deadline is the end of November 2024, so that authors will have more
than 4 months from the notification date to prepare their SI paper.
In this line, constructive reviews will be provided, so that authors of
accepted papers can prepare their presentation and discussion in the
best way, and also take advantage of them to prepare the extended
version of the paper for the SI, if invited to submit it.
The manuscript should use the ECAI LaTeX template. Please refer to our
website for detailed information regarding the submission:
== Important Dates ==
- Standard submission dates (initial round of submission):
Abstract (not mandatory, but strongly appreciated): 1 June 2024 (EXTENDED)
Submission deadline: 15 June 2024 (EXTENDED)
Notification: 18 July 2024
- Review Transfer Option dates (second round of submission, for rejected
ECAI papers only):
Invitation from the workshop chairs: between the 4 and 10 of July 2024
Submission deadline: 11 July 2024
Notification: 18 July 2024
- Camera Ready (for informal publication on the workshop website): 14
September 2024
- Registration deadline (please check the ECAI website): ECAI website,
== List of Topics ==
Relevant topics include, but are not limited to:
= Integration of Agents and Multiagent systems and techniques into XR
systems =
- Cognitive Agents for XR Avatars
- Interaction between agents and humans through virtual worlds
- Pedestrian and Crowd simulations in XR systems
- Autonomous and intelligent XR avatars
- Ambient Intelligent systems and XR
- Methodologies, platforms, tools and libraries for integrating MASs
into XR platforms
= XR for agents and MAS =
- Exploiting virtual worlds as MAS environments
- Perception, locomotion and navigation of agents into XR environments
- Filling the gap between humans and virtual agents thanks to XR
- Exploiting XR simulation for Human & MAS experiments
- Exploiting XR simulation for Human & Robots experiments
- Methodologies, platforms, tools and libraries for integrating XR
into MASs
= More general aspects =
- Conversational agents and XR
- Learning agents/avatars in the XR
- Ethical concerns with Virtual Agents
- Software Engineering aspects (testing, V&V) related to the
integration of MAS and XR systems
- Any topic related to the integration/exploitation of MAS and XR
== Chairs ==
Daniela Briola, DISCO, University of Milano Bicocca, Italy
Yan Feng, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Viviana Mascardi, DIBRIS, University of Genova, Italy
== Contact ==
All questions should be emailed to Daniela Briola,
daniela.briola at unimib.it, Yan Feng, Y.Feng at tudelft.nl, and Viviana
Mascardi, viviana.mascardi at unige.it
Please note that, while it may happen that I send messages during week-ends/evenings, I do not expect that people read emails outside office hours
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