[agents] [Talk Invitation] - Dr. Federico Cugurullo - AI and the City: Urbanistic Perspectives on AI

Mayesha Tasnim m.tasnim at uva.nl
Mon Mar 11 08:54:41 EDT 2024

Dear all,

We would like to invite you to the next session of the Citizen-Centric AI Systems (CCAIS<https://sites.google.com/view/ccais-seminar/home>) Seminar.  The CCAIS Seminars offer an online platform for academics and enthusiasts to discuss citizen-centric AI solutions, focusing on topics like privacy, ethics, transparency, and practical implementation to empower citizens.

This Thursday, 14 March at 13:00 GMT, Dr. Federico Cugurullo<https://www.tcd.ie/geography/people/academic-teaching-staff/cugurulf/> from Trinity College Dublin will present his work titled Artificial Intelligence and the City: Urbanistic Perspectives on AI<https://www.routledge.com/Artificial-Intelligence-and-the-City-Urbanistic-Perspectives-on-AI/Cugurullo-Caprotti-Cook-Karvonen-McGuirk-Marvin/p/book/9781032431468>.

To attend this talk online, please register here<https://uva-live.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwtdeqsrjovG9SKi9Yh7rXsJG2FoZ4SDOP0>.

Abstract: Innovation in artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming cities in unprecedented ways. In this presentation, we will explore the connections between AI and the urban by focusing on the concept of urban AI and reflecting on its most prominent incarnations: autonomous vehicles, urban robots, city brains, and urban software agents. We will then see how the emergence of urban AI is producing a new urbanism, an AI urbanism, that originates from smart urbanism but also departs from it along three main axes, namely function, presence, and agency. Empirically, we will draw on the findings from several international case studies to examine the repercussions of urban AI and give evidence of how the emergence of AI in cities is reshaping urban society, urban infrastructure, urban governance, urban planning, and urban sustainability. Theoretically, we will discuss the implications of the emergence of urban AI for urban theory and the future of cities. We will conclude the presentation with a warning about the impending risks posed by multiple urban AIs and the obscure black boxes driving their operations, but also with an invitation to politically engage as citizens with increasingly autonomous cities that might forever escape our understanding and thus our control.

Best regards,

Mayesha Tasnim
Organizing Committee
Citizen-Centric AI Systems Seminar Series

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