[agents] Call for Papers: The 6th Games, Agents, and Incentives Workshop (GAIW)@AAMAS 2024

Nicholas Mattei nsmattei at gmail.com
Wed Jan 17 14:12:11 EST 2024


Webpage: https://preflib.github.io/gaiw2024


   Submission Deadline: February 26, 2024 (AoE).

   Acceptance Notification: March 28, 2024.

   Camera Ready: April 15, 2024 (AoE).

   Workshop: May 6 or 7, 2024 (TBA).

Call for Papers:

We invite submissions to the 6th iteration of the Games, Agents and
Incentives Workshop, co-located with AAMAS 2024 in Auckland, New Zealand.

Games, Agents and Incentives is a confederated workshop which focuses on
agents and incentives in AI.  In particular, it promotes approaches that
deal with game theory (cooperative and non-cooperative), social choice, and
agent-mediated e-commerce aspects of AI systems. The confederated workshop
merges multiple workshops that have been associated with AAMAS in the past,
which considered different aspects of the general interplay between AI and

• CoopMAS: Cooperative Games in Multi-agent Systems

• AMEC:  Agent-Mediated Electronic Commerce

• EXPLORE: Exploring Beyond the Worst Case in Computational Social Choice

Over the past two decades, the focus of agent incentives in decentralised
and centralised AI systems has increased dramatically. These issues come up
when designing preference aggregation mechanisms and markets; computing
equilibria and bidding strategies; facilitating cooperation among agents;
and fairly dividing resources.




Authors should submit full papers electronically in PDF format at

Formatting Guidelines: Please format papers according to the AAMAS 2024
format (author kit
Optionally, one may submit in LNCS format as well (LaTeX template).

Paper Length: Papers can be at most 8 pages long in AAMAS format, or 12
pages long in LNCS format. Additional pages may be used for references.

Supplemental material can be appended at the end of the paper. However,
reviewers are instructed to make their evaluations based on the main
submission, and are not obligated to consult the supplemental material.

Multiple Submissions: To widen participation and encourage discussion,
there will be no formal publication of workshop proceedings. We will,
however, post the accepted papers online to the benefit of the participants
to the workshop. Therefore, submission of preliminary work and papers to be
submitted or in preparation for submission to other major venues in the
field are encouraged.

Past Submissions: In order to strike a balance between new work and work
that may have been presented, but not widely seen, we ask that if authors
want to submit published work they do so non-anonymously and clearly
indicate when and where the work was published. We will only accept work
which has been published in the last calendar year (e.g., IJCAI 2023,
NeurIPS 2023, AAAI 2023, AAAI 2024 and any conference held strictly after
February 2023).

We invite papers on topics of game theory, mechanism design, fair
allocation, computational social choice, and their applications to
multi-agent systems:


   Algorithmic mechanism design


   Behavioral Game Theory

   Bounded rationality

   Cooperative Games

   Computational advertising

   Computational aspects of equilibria

   Computational social choice

   Coalitions, coordination, collective action, and cooperation

   Economic aspects of security and privacy

   Economic aspects of distributed and network computing

   Equilibrium computation

   Empirical approaches to e-market

   Fairness (in ML & elsewhere)

   Fair Division

   Incentives in machine learning

   Information and attention economics

   Learning in games (e.g., solution concepts and equilibria)

   Matching and Matching Markets


   Price differentiation and price dynamics

   Social networks

   Trading agent design and analysis

   Uncertainty in AI and economics

Best Presentation Award: The organizing committee of GAIW will be giving
two awards (first-place and runner up) for best paper presentations. The
award criteria include the clarity of presentation, the level of
engagement, the content, and discussion handline.

Inquiries: If you have any questions, direct them to alan.tsang at carleton.ca.





   Submission Deadline: February 26, 2024 (AoE).

   Acceptance Notification: March 28, 2024.

   Camera Ready: April 15, 2024 (AoE).

   Workshop: May 6 or 7, 2024 (TBA).




Program Chairs

Ben Abramowitz, Tulane University

Haris Aziz, UNSW Sydney and Data61

John P. Dickerson, University of Maryland

Hadi Hosseini, Penn State University

Nicholas Mattei, Tulane University

Svetlana Obraztsova, Carleton University

Zinovi Rabinovich, Carleton University

Alan Tsang, Carleton University

Tomasz Wąs, Penn State University

*Nicholas Mattei*
Assistant Professor, Tulane University
nsmattei at tulane.edu | www.nickmattei.net
Stanley Thomas Hall | 305B
+1 504 865 5782
Department of Computer Science
Tulane University
6823 St Charles Ave
New Orleans, LA 70118
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