[agents] [CFP][news][meeting] BAILAR-2023: The 7th Workshop on Behavior Adaptation, Interaction and Learning for Assistive Robotics @ROMAN-2023

Mariacarla Staffa mcstaffa at gmail.com
Wed Jul 12 05:43:31 EDT 2023

*Call for Submissions to the 7th Workshop on Behavior Adaptation,
Interaction and Learning for Assistive Robotics (BAILAR) at RO-MAN 2023*

   - *Website:* https://sites.google.com/view/bailar-2023/
   - *Workshop:* August 31 2023
   - *Location:* Paradise Hotel, Busan, Korea as part of the the 32nd
   International Conference on Robots & Human Interactive Communication
   (RO-MAN 2023)
   - *Manuscript submission site:*
   - *Contact for submissions:* mariacarla.staffa at uniparthenope.it


Mutual affective understanding is integral for achieving the so-called
Theory of Mind (ToM) allowing successful, acceptable and intelligent social
human-robot interaction (HRI).

This edition of BAILAR Workshop aims at putting the mutual understanding of
affective/emotional states of robots and humans at the crossroads with
learning and user adaptation within HRI. Methodologies and technologies
adopted for detecting and adapting to users’ mental states, emotions and
dispositions during HRI will be presented and discussed. Experimental
protocols and results could also outline possible effects of gender, age,
personality and pathology on robot perception from an emotional and
affective point of view, as well as ethical considerations regarding
learning and using personal data within assistive applications.

This workshop is intended as a forum for a broad audience, composed of
roboticists, psychologists, computer scientists, social and ethics
scientists, aiming at discussing the role of adaptation, learning,
emotional communication, and mutual affective understanding in HRI for
assistive real-world applications, and their potential impact on users’
acceptance, especially in terms of usability, efficiency, empathy and their
emotional responses. Based on previous editions we can foresee about 80


   - *Deadline for Paper Submission:*  July 20th, 2023
   - *Paper Acceptance Notification:*  July 30th, 2023
   - *Camera Ready Paper:*  July 10th, 2023
   - *Main Conference Date:*  August 28th–31st, 2023
   - *Workshop Date:*  August the 31st, 2023

*Submission Guidelines*

We welcome prospective participants to submit either extended abstracts (up
to 4 pages) or full papers (up to 6 pages). Papers can be on research that
the authors would like to discuss during the workshop, especially
encouraging papers on new ideas or research that the authors plan to

Selected papers will be invited to submit an extended/revised version of
the papers for a special issue in a recognized international journal.

We strongly encourage workshop participants to present during paper
presentation demos and videos showing their experiments and achievements.
All material collected during the Workshop, such as video, slides, papers,
etc., will be made available on the workshop website upon approval of the

The manuscripts should conform to the RO-MAN 2022 guidelines:

   - Word template: http://ras.papercept.net/conferences/support/word.php
   - LaTeX template: http://ras.papercept.net/conferences/support/tex.php

*Submissions do not need to be anonymized for review.*

All submitted papers will be reviewed by two reviewers. Accepted papers
require that at least one of the authors register to the workshop. The
abstracts of the accepted papers will appear on the workshop website.

Authors will be able to submit a PDF copy through EasyChair:

*List of Topics*

   - Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
   - Online adaptive behavior
   - Acceptability and personalization in HRI
   - User and behavior modeling for adaptation
   - Emotion and intention recognition
   - Multimodal interfaces for emotion recognition
   - Affective and emotional robots
   - Empathy in robotics
   - Mutual affective communication
   - Affective computing in SAR
   - Internal state monitoring
   - Detection of verbal and non-verbal behavioral cues
   - Lifelong (or continual) learning and adaptation methods in HRI
   - Short-term personalization in HRI
   - Incremental and online learning in HRI
   - Robot behavior explainability and legibility
   - Theory of Mind in Robotics
   - Understandable Communication
   - Ethical Aspects of Affective HRI communication and personalization in
   - Evaluation metrics for adaptive robot behavior

*Organizing Committees*

   - Mariacarla Staffa  - *University of Naples Parthenope (Italy)*
   - Alessandra Sciutti - *IIT (Italy)*
   - Silvia Rossi - University of Naples "Federico II"* (Italy)*
   - Katie Winkle – *Uppsala University (Sweden)*

*Invited Speakers*

   - Prof. Emilia Barakova, *Eindhoven University of Technology (The
   - Prof. Ginevra Castellano, *Uppsala University (Sweden)*
   - Hae Won Park, *Amazon Lab126 & MIT Media Lab (USA)*


All questions about submissions should be emailed to
mariacarla.staffa at uniparthenope.it


*Mariacarla Staffa, PhDAssistant ProfessorDepartment of Science and
*University of Naples "Parthenope"*
*address: Centro Direzionale, Isola C, 4° Piano, Lato Nord, Stanza 428,
80143, Napoli*

*tel: 081-5476580institutional e-mail: mariacarla.staffa at uniparthenope.it
<mariacarla.staffa at uniparthenope.it>*
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