[agents] EUMAS 2023 - Ext. deadline & Awards & Invited Speakers

Munyque Mittelmann munyque.mittelmann at unina.it
Fri May 19 06:22:54 EDT 2023


September 14-15, 2023 - Naples, Italy

*Last Call for papers and extended deadline*

- Deadline for papers submission (extended): May 29, 2023
- Notification to authors: July 5, 2023
- Camera-Ready Papers: July 20, 2023
- Conference: 14 & 15 September 2023

All deadlines are at 23:59 UTC-12, i.e. while it is still the respective
date anywhere on Earth.

The 20th European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS 2023) will be
located at the University of Naples (September 14-15th, 2023). EUMAS
2023 is an EURAMAS designated and aims to encourage and support activity
in the research and development of multi-agent systems, in academic and
industrial effort. The conference aspires to be the primary European
forum for researchers interested in the theory and practice of
autonomous agents and multi-agent systems. EUMAS enables researchers to
meet, present challenges, preliminary and mature research results in an
open environment. EUMAS 2023 features formal proceedings published as
part of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series of Springer**

EUMAS 2023 welcomes original, unpublished papers including improved
versions of extended abstracts or rejected papers from AAMAS, AAAI and
IJCAI 2023. The submission should describe work that has not been
previously published, accepted for publication, nor is currently under
review by another conference or journal.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Action and Planning – Adaptation and Learning – Agent Architectures –
Agent Programming Languages – Agent Development Methodologies and Tools
– Agent-Based Simulation – Agent Organizations and Institutions –
Agent-oriented Software Engineering – Agents and Complex Systems –
Applications of Multi-agent Systems – Argumentation – Automated
negotiation – Biologically inspired approaches – Cognitive Models –
Collective and Swarm Intelligence – Collective Intentionality –
Communication, Cooperation, and Coordination - Computational Social
Choice – Economic Models – Electronic Commerce – Ethical behavior of
multi-agent systems – Formal Modelling – Game-Theoretic Methods -
Human-Agent Interaction – Logics for Multi-Agent Systems – Logics for
Strategic Reasoning – Negotiation – Self-organization – Semantic Web
Agents - Social Networks – Socio-technical Systems – Theories of Agency
– Trust and Reputation – Verification – Virtual Agents – Voting and
Judgment Aggregation Models for multi-agent systems

All submissions will be peer-reviewed in a doubly blind fashion.
Specifically, all submissions should be anonymized. Submission should be
at most 15 pages long, with any number of pages for references and, if
needed, a clearly marked appendix and be formatted according to
Springer’s LNCS format. For templates and instructions for authors, see

Authors must submit their papers through the EUMAS 2023 Easychair
submission site at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=eumas2023 
<https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=eumas2023)as> a single PDF file.

As for previous editions, we plan to publish EUMAS 2023 accepted papers
by Springer in an LNAI post-proceeding volume.  As such, they will be
made available to several indexing services (including Scopus, CPCI, EI
Engineering Index, and more). Additional guidelines will be communicated
after the conference to the authors of accepted papers for the
preparation of the final versions to be included in the post-proceedings.

Special Issue
As for previous year editions, we plan to select the best papers for a
special issue on a high-quality MAS journal. The invited authors will
have the opportunity to submit an extended versions of their papers for
a fast-tracked review process.

Best Paper Award
We plan to select the EUMAS-2023 Best Paper Award and the Best Student
Paper Award (i.e., at least one of the authors is a student at the
submission deadline). The Best Paper Award will be accompanied by a
monetary prize of 500 euros, while the Best Student Paper Award will
receive 250 euros. The winners will be announced at the conference.

Keynote Speakers
We are trilled to announce that Prof. Orna Kupferman
(https://www.cs.huji.ac.il/~ornak/ <https://www.cs.huji.ac.il/~ornak/>) 
will be the invited speaker at EUMAS

Vadim Malvone (Télécom Paris)
Aniello Murano (Università degli Studi di Napoli, Federico II)

Programme Committee
See the conference website: https://vadimmalvone.github.io/eumas2023/ 

Co-located events
We aim at organizing a PhD day, co-located with the conference. Students
are invited to give a short talk and prepare a poster. We plan to select
the Best Poster, which will be awarded by a monetary prize of 200 euros.
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