[agents] Call for Papers: Safe and Trustworthy AI ICLP 2023 Workshop (at Imperial July 9th/10th)
Francesco Belardinelli
francesco.belardinelli at univ-evry.fr
Mon May 8 08:56:23 EDT 2023
TL;DR We invite you to the Safe and Trustworthy AI workshop
<http://www.stai.uk>. The workshop will take place on the *9th or 10th
of July* in London. The *submission deadline* is the *19th of May.
*There will be *prizes* for the best papers and posters.Please register
attendance on Eventbrite.
Hi all,
We hope this email finds you well.
We are pleased to invite you to take part in the second iteration of the
Safe and Trustworthy AI workshop <http://www.stai.uk>. The workshop will
take place on the 9th or 10th of July at Imperial College London as part
of ICLP 23 <https://iclp2023.imperial.ac.uk/home>. There will be a
reception in the evening and refreshments will be provided.
The field of safe and trustworthy AI is broad and has significant
implications for society and individuals. Contemporary AI systems
already cause large-scale harm, especially to disadvantaged groups, and
future AI systems may pose catastrophic risks. With this workshop we
hope to encourage discussion and collaboration between people from a
range of backgrounds, especially from underrepresented or disadvantaged
*Call for papers.*This workshop takes a broad view of safety and
trustworthiness, covering areas such as algorithmic bias and
discrimination, alignment, cooperative AI, robustness and verification,
and AI policy and regulation. We accept short (4 page) and long (8 page)
papers. The submission deadline is the 19th of May. See the call for
papers <https://www.stai.uk/call-for-papers>for further details.
The workshop is supported by the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in
Safe and Trusted AI <https://safeandtrustedai.org/>and the Future of
Life Institute. <https://futureoflife.org/>
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
All the best,
The organizers
Francesco Belardinelli
Department of Computing
Imperial College London
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Please do not feel obliged to reply to this email outside your normal working hours.
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