[agents] [WI-IAT 2023][Call for Workshop Proposals][Deadline Approaching] The 22nd IEEE/WIC International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology
Marco Viviani
marco.viviani at unimib.it
Fri Apr 14 08:03:44 EDT 2023
[Apologies for Multiple Postings]
[Deadline Approaching]
The 22nd IEEE/WIC International Conference on Web Intelligence and
Intelligent Agent Technology
October 27-29, Venice, Italy
The 2023 IEEE/WIC International Joint Conference on Web Intelligence and
Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT'23)
will be held in Venice, Italy, from 27th to 29th October 2023. Its
organizing committee invites proposals for
workshops/special sessions to be held in conjunction with the conference.
The goals of the workshops/special
sessions are to explore emerging research topics and to provide a forum for
authors to present early research results
on these topics. We would like to have a number of workshops/special
sessions, with a high quality program
dominated by contributed papers. We expect that workshops/special sessions
will run a rigorous review process,
to make sure programs will be of high-quality.
Organizers may structure workshops/special sessions as they see fit,
possibly including invited talks, panel
discussions, presentations of work in progress, peer-reviewed papers,
demonstrations, or some combination.
The topic falls in the general scope of WI-IAT 2023. There is a clear focus
on a specific technology, problem or
application. There should be a greater impact to the society. In
particular, we encourage the submission of
workshop/special-session proposals on:
- Big Data on the Web
- Deep Learning/ML in the Web
- Correctness in the Web
- Managing misinformation in the Web
- Modeling user behavior in the Web
- Mobile data mining in the Web
- NLP in the Web
- Recommender systems for the Web
- Social intelligence
- Text mining in the Web
- Web for social good
- Web for smart cities
- Web in/for IoT
- Workshop Proposal Submission: April 16, 2023
- Workshop Proposal Acceptance notification: May 1, 2023
- Workshops/Special Sessions Paper Submission: July 2, 2023
- Workshop Paper Acceptance Notification: July 30, 2023
- Workshops and Special Sessions: October 26, 2023
- Main Conference: October 27-29, 2023
The workshop/special session proposal, in PDF, should provide the following
information, following the format
specified in this template:
- https://www.wi-iat.com/wi-iat2023/pdf/ws-ss-proposal-2023.pdf
Please send a whole copy of your proposal in PDF format to the
workshop/special session co-chairs with subject:
“Submission of WI-IAT 2023 workshop/special session proposal: XXX”, where
XXX should be replaced by the
acronym of your workshop/special session.
The decision about acceptance or rejection of workshop/special session
proposals will be made by the
workshop/special session co-Chairs in consultation with the General and
Program Committee Chairs, taking into
account several factors including overall quality, the topic fit with
respect to WI-IAT 2023, the coverage of the topic
in other tracks of the conference, the estimated number of attendees for
the workshop/special session, etc.
CONTACT (To Workshop Chairs)
- wi.iat.2023+workshops at unive.it
- Announce the calls for papers
- Create and maintain the workshop/special-session website
- Publicize workshop/special-session in the relevant communities
- Create the Program Committee
- Conduct the review process
- Schedule the workshop/special-session program
- Marco Viviani, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy
- Xujuan Zhou, University of Southern Queensland, Australia
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